They want MORE of ‘our’ money…

This administration is hell bent on running us into the ground… It’s not enough that they are continuing to raise taxes (either direct or indirect), health care cost is going through the roof (IF you can get it), and they are doing nothing to slow down the rampant entitlement programs…

And now this…

In a major shift for how governments fund transportation projects, the administration wants to let states charge tolls on interstate highways. A federal ban currently bars states from doing so in most places, but the latest White House push could change that.

Read the whole article HERE at Foxnews.

And in a more ‘personal’ note, the company that I work for (small business, less than 50 employees), are having to re-look at our insurance package.  Because of my travel, and the need for ‘international’ availability of medical care, my monthly insurance is about $725/mo.  The ‘rumor mill’ has it that may double depending on what the company has to do, and if it does we, the employees, must make up the difference.  Now my ‘raise’ this year was 1.2%, so that means I could pay for about TWO months of insurance…

And we’re also hearing they are going to make another run on TRICARE this year, to either bump the rates to over $1000 a year, and/or make it so that we are kicked to Medicare at 65…

Sigh… Am I retired YET???


They want MORE of ‘our’ money… — 12 Comments

  1. Out of pocket for insurance keeps going up and up, as my patience with it all gets lower and lower.

  2. Medicare will end up being ObamaCare. There’s no other way for the government to manage the expense.

    Even if you demobilized the entire military and sent the hardware into mothballs, there would still not be enough money to buy votes.

  3. +1

    We’re a small business and the owner had to pass some of the cost on to us this year. I had a -3.2% growth in my income this year.

  4. My wife just had foot surgery. I take her to the surgeon’s office for follow ups. His office is packed, he works his a$$ off but he can’t collect the increased co-pays from a lot of patients, Obamacare is gonna kill him. On top of that he said his own family’s BC& BS just went up $400 a month !! He’s getting whipsawed just like everyone else. His paperwork is increasing at an enormous rate. I don’t think he’ll be able to afford to stay in business !! I’m hoping that when the average stupid uninformed voter finally notices what going on we’ll have some kind of day of reckoning.

  5. My company had to switch insurers last fall (thank you, ObamaKare) because the old insurer wanted to raise the rates 58%.

    The new coverage only costs $14/month more, but our deductible & co-pay went from $250/$70 to $2,000/20% with no cap.

    Meanwhile, all the independent doctors are being forced to join larger clinics by the overhead, paperwork, and decreased Medicare payments … and the “fundamental transformation of America” continues apace.

  6. I use a community health center that accepts Medicare and the insurance I’m forced to buy. Actually, I can lose $100+ a month from my social security for nothing, or I can pay for insurance. First patient of the day, 1 1/2 hour wait, and ten minutes with the Physician Assistant. As I walked by her office, I could see stacks of files. Bet she will spend more time on my paperwork than she did seeing me.

  7. Brigid- Yours and mine both!

    LL- You’re probably right! Dammit…

    Gerry- Yep, you me and everybody else that actually WORKS…

    Woody- Understood… My doc just retired rather than deal with it…

    Rev- Yep, that is the ‘new’ norm… and people don’t get it!

    WSF- And if she gets the paperwork wrong, they get nothing…

  8. Old NFO – your doctor retired rather than dealing with it. And that action will be played again and again across the nation. Maybe it’s time to import more red dot Indians or Chinese who don’t speak English to fill the void.

  9. If there were a worse way to handle the rising costs of health care, I cannot think of one.

    Since we’re posting horror stories, here’s mine. My insurance for me and family in 2013 was $530 per month. This year, with a salaried job and with Obamacare, the premium for all of us is….a whopping $1470 per month. That’s a 277% increase in the cost of insurance for less coverage than I had last year.

    What absolutely stupid government interference.

  10. I work for a hospital and my insurance has gone through the roof. What the heck is going on here?????

  11. Gee, I hope all you racists (You obviously hate Obamacare because Obama is half black) will spend at least 10 minutes between now and elections telling your story, and GETTING OUT THE VOTE!