A follow-up…

My post from Friday (HERE) on the suicide rates elicited some interesting sidebar discussions.  One of those was from Scribbler, and he’s put a very good post up responding to my post.  His post is HERE.

Of note, this is his generation, so I’m glad to get his perspective on the whole mess, and he does have a cogent piece that  is a bit of an eye opener…

Well worth the read.  Scribbler is also a shooter and one of our ‘tribe’ so to speak, we’ve met him at a couple of events over the last two years.


A follow-up… — 6 Comments

  1. These young adults also have nothing really to believe in. When postmodernist philosophy and nihilism take over, what value is there in life? It’s a sad epitaph to the death of Western Civilization.

  2. As a member of the well described “throwaway generation”, I certainly look at suicide rates with interest.

    I was definitely brought up in the “everyone is a winner” school, having the trophies to prove it. I think that as a generation all that was expected of us was to go to college and try to get through high school without too many more mass shootings.

    Hell, even those of us that went off to war found that the great adventure and danger of it all was deluded by hours of boredom, an atmosphere not unlike that of my old fraternity house, and Sergeant Majors more concerned with what color your socks were.

  3. Scrib- No problem…

    Eurpidies- Good point!

    SPEMack- The military has ALWAYS been 99% boredom… 🙂 At least you WERE wearing socks… You make a good point, and I really wonder how many of your generation understand that…