Murph’s Pick Two…

Murph did some digging around in HIS safe, and he’s done Pick Two- Sequel.  You can see it HERE.  I’ll have to admit he ‘does’ have some interesting choices… 🙂

I’m working on a follow-on post based on some of the sidebars/emails I’ve received, and I can’t help but wonder what choices y’all will make at Murph’s place…


Murph’s Pick Two… — 6 Comments

  1. I’ve been thinking (always dangerous) and as I don’t have the armory that you and the rest have… I will simply take what I have: my little Sig, my ol Ithaca 12ga, my five iron, and pitching wedge in the ratty old wheeled golf bag(highly modified). About as incognito as I can get around here.

    • The driver is on loan from an ol duffer whose wife just left him, so I’m not taking it any where til the dust settles…

  2. I don’t have an extensive collection, but – if I were limited to what’s in my own closet – I’d have to take a .270 hunting rifle (because it’s practically the same ballistically as a .30-06, and scoped) and my 1911A1.