Baltimore burning???

First the Mayor says it’s okay to ‘give the protesters room’, and told the cops to back off. They Gray family asked for ONLY peaceful protest over the death of their son, apparently at the hands of the police (no actual report yet, but six have apparently been put on administrative leave).

Now they are looting and burning Baltimore… And cops are watching and not taking action, apparently on orders from ‘higher’…

The mayor has now requested the National Guard be called out, are asking for 500 additional LEOs from surrounding jurisdictions, and are going to put a curfew in ‘tomorrow’…

Apparently there was a twitter/meme this afternoon to ‘purge’ at the mall and then go ‘downtown’. They are looting, robbing and burning their own communities. The thugs apparently even stabbed the fire hoses of the fire fighters trying to fight the fire in a CVS drug store, after it was looted.

As of when I went to bed last night, FIFTEEN LEOs have been injured apparently two seriously.

Apparently there is also some kind of agreement between the Bloods, Crips and Black Guerillas to band together and go after the cops.

Interestingly, unlike Ferguson, Baltimore has a black mayor, black police commissioner, black police chief, black fire chief, and a police department that is over 50% black.

So… Is this now a ‘civil rights’ movement? Or just thugs being thugs?

I guess my question is, will anyone actually be charged for any of the crimes last night???


Baltimore burning??? — 35 Comments

  1. I’m guessing the Mayor was told to let things happen for a bit. The media needs pictures for the narrative and all. But the thing about group behavior like this, is that things can’t really be controlled.

  2. Of course it is criminal. Burning and looting has nothing to do with civil rights. And the mayor should be jailed for criminal misconduct for allowing the demonstrators to even form. As for the gangs, now is the time to thin them out. Let the NG go in locked and loaded.

  3. Maryland and Baltimore are two fine examples of far left dimocrat run socialist enclaves. The riots are the final result of the welfare, free lunch, free phone, free food progressive mindset, aided and abetted by a president and justice (?) department staffed by the same socialist leftards.
    However, soon enough, the riots will be blamed on George Bush.

  4. Gonna be a long hot summer with every urban community looking for an opportunity to get their 15 minutes (and 50 lbs of looted goods from the local Target store.) Don’t become a victim of circumstance… Condition Red 24/7.

  5. What tbg said. This could easily trigger copy-cat riots in other cities, especially if the police start shooting in to the crowd. And if they’re being targeted like the reports say, then it’s only a matter of time before that happens.

  6. This is not a PC thought… so erase if need be… but.

    Had Mr. Gray been a white man, it would still be unfortunate that he died, and it surely should be looked into — but there would be no riots, no fires, no instant commentary. But as it is…

    Would someone define “racist” for me, so that I can understand the twentyfirst century world better?

  7. No civil rights movement there. Just race-baiting thug scum – Al Sharpton included – looking to “make change.” News flash for them – there is no inequality: we have a black president, a black and female AG, Title 4 & 7, and public handouts for all who malinger. There is no such thing as racial inequality. Other than many, black or white, who choose that path themselves. Let them ruin their city. I saw the same thing in Detroit, and Benton Harbor, when I lived in both places. Democratic, inept, incompetent and corrupt government.

    Whew! You got me riled up! And I only had one cup of coffee this morning.

  8. I’m confused. Had Mr. Gray been a white man, it would still be unfortunate, and their should be an inquiry, but there would have been a quiet funeral and grieving.

    But, as it is, there are riots and burnings and all, supplemented by anguished comments from the left.

    Would someone be so kind as to define “racist” for me, so I can understand the twenty-first century?

  9. For the purposes of the progressive narrative it appears that “civil rights” demonstrations and riots are one and the same.

    It’s the old “We’ll burn it all down ’cause we’re angry and want to loot, now pay us to rebuild, and pay the race mongers off to keep them in check to prevent them from whipping up the crowds and stop it from happening next time” school of thought.

    Combine with the Progressive’s beliefs that the “underclass” is expected to riot and not obey the law, so might as well let them have at it, along with a progressive dominated city government and a Federal Justice Department ready to jump down the throat of anyone who might use force to stop their voters from blowing off some steam, and you’ve got a perfect storm.

  10. “…will anyone actually be charged for any of the crimes last night???”

    A few low-level types might spend a night or two in jail, but the people really responsible will walk away, as usual.

  11. Looting and arson is not protesting. God knows how many people are out of a job or homeless because of this. Congratulations on destroying your own town.

  12. Apparently they’re aren’t any Korean shop owners in Baltimore.

  13. This may or may not be relevant to the rioting going on in Baltimore. From 1949 to 1957, Baltimore’s mayor was Tommy D’Allesandro, as corrupt a politician as was Boss Tweed in New York City in the early 20th century. And d’Allesandro’s entire administration was filled with bribes, pay offs, intimidation of any and all opponents, and various and sundry other acts of the criminal nature. But, what is more telling is that D’Allesandro had a daughter who is following in her dad’s footsteps. Her name is Nancy D’Allesandro Pelosi. She may not have anything to do with the Baltimore riots, but she does come from a long line of corrupt Balitmore politicians, of whom is their present mayor, as is Nancy herself.

  14. Yep. Agree with you. I have never seen such anarchy with no police response. Several officers were injured and unknown amounts of businesses destroyed and/or looted. Disgraceful. Seems like we are letting thugs take over and law enforcement has a soft approach.

  15. The natural and logical response to CVS drugstores being torched is to close down all CVS drugstores in “high risk” areas. And Walgreens and Rite-Aids, etc.

    Seems like a housing development was also torched. We ought to stop subsidizing them, as well. Let them finance and build their own housing.

    The way to “extinct” a bad behavior is to starve it. The way to eliminate vermin is to starve them.

  16. Use the NG to surround and contain the rioters. Throw plenty of ammo in every day and let the problem correct its self.

    Of course the liberal idiot pisswits in charge will demand that the taxpayers rebuild it.

  17. over 200 people arrested last night. there will be more tonight.

    and i predict there will also be bloodshed tonight.

    hunkering down and keeping quiet. will update in the usual way as i have updates/time.

  18. Can’t help but be reminded of an old story—

    An employee is standing in front the boss’s desk as boss hands him a pink slip.

    Now former employee decides to play the race card. “You’re firing me because I’m (insert race/color here)”.

    The boss doesn’t say a word. He gets up, steps over to a shelf and retrieves an impressively thick binder full of government regs. He puts it down on his desk and flips through it to find the appropriate section. Once there, he gestures to the page and replies “No. We hired you because you’re (insert race/color here). We’re firing you because you’re an idiot”.

  19. Hey, Madame Mayor, the kids are planning to get together and do something. What do we do?”
    “Give them the day off.”

  20. All- Thanks for the responses! TBG is right, this IS going to be a long hot summer. I cannot disagree with anyone that commented either!

    Posted from my iPhone.

  21. I think a prudent person would be checking the status of his mags and ammo supply and re-commit to being prepared daily for any eventuality.

    • fun fact: every walmart in the area pulled all ammo from shelves. so those poor saps who weren’t prepared were screwed.

  22. I’m a dirty racist, so I’ve got nothing polite to add to this discussion.

    If those “people” want to act like animals, they should be treated as such.

  23. Tongue in cheek, That’s what I’m told for having an opinion that isn’t pro looting/anarchy.

  24. CNN is now blaming this on crazy war vets from Vietraqistan getting hired as police officers. Because polite societies shouldn’t tolerate baby killers (and they’re all crazed baby killers) or something…

  25. I saw today on Drudge that Mr. Grey had the spinal injury several weeks before, and had a claim in with AlState Insurance…but they don’t want to hear the facts…. And I have not heard one mention of it on the MSM tonight