In the non-PC days…

Who Says We Can’t Deport Millions of Illegals? Ike Did

Dwight D Eisenhower was the first president who had to deal with illegal immigration.  A study in Texas found that in areas where there were lots of illegals, the pay was half of what fruit and vegetable pickers received in the rest of the state.  He knew that as long as they were willing to take less money farmers would continue to use them in greater numbers.  Since he was the president of the United States and not Mexico, he took firm and immediate action.

The first thing he did was to seal the border.  It is interesting to note he was able to do it with only 1,075 border patrol agents.  That’s less than 10% of what we have today.  I realize that technology has evolved, but it evolved for both sides.  The operation is still well known for it’s efficiency throughout the Border Control agency.

Now, he had to face the 3 million illegals that were in the country.  Never was amnesty a possibility.  No one felt white guilt and no one accused Eisenhower of being a racist and even if they would have, Eisenhower wouldn’t care.  He fought and defeated nazis once and he knew he could do it again.  .  Eisenhower saw only one solution.  Send them back to Mexico and other countries.  Eisenhower was also aware that farmers making huge profits by using illegal labor had the kind of money to buy politicians (Comcast, Microsoft and Google?)  They were loathe to give up their profits.  Eisenhower did not pander to the farmers for huge campaign contribution:

Ike appointed a former West Point classmate and soldier, Joseph “Jumping Joe” Swing to head the INS.  Lyndon Johnson and Pat McCarran, democrat senators were for open borders and they had allies in strategic offices in the INS.  Swing lived up to his name and jumped right out of the chute and he transferred all of Johnson’s cronies away from the border and into jobs where they couldn’t influence policy.

Then in June of 1954, the INS began project “Operation Wetback.”  In the first two months of the project, they gathered up 50,000 illegal immigrants during raids on farms known to use illegals.  And that was only in Arizona and California.  And better yet, it is estimated that 488,000 illegals fearing arrest left the country.  They then expanded the operation and by September 80,000 illegals were arrested in Texas and another 500,000 fled the country.  Problem solved…

You can read the whole story HERE on The

Of course this is also in a time where the administration CARED about America and maintaining the USA as a preeminent world power, and didn’t worry about offending illegals…

Not like today…

If I were king for a day, I’d cut ALL federal funding to any ‘sanctuary’ city. Period. End of subject.


h/t JP


In the non-PC days… — 18 Comments

  1. “If I were king for a day, I’d cut ALL federal funding to any ‘sanctuary’ city. Period. End of subject.”

    Yep. If they choose not to comply with federal law they shouldn’t get federal benefits.

    • I would vote for that, first 60 days the city loses all federal funds, matching and otherwise, after that the state loses it all until all outstanding INS requests are filled.

  2. Today’s politicians of all stripes suffer from a total lack of testicular fortitude. This shortcoming is aggravated by their overabundance of political correctness. Where is General Patton now that we NEED him?

  3. It’s all about expanding the voting base these days. At all costs.

    I’m disgusted.

  4. Sanctuary cities are a joke. This immigration mess is a catastrophe. I vote for you to be king for a day. Can I eat ice cream all day?

  5. Amen, brother. Amen.

    And the result of Post-Ike Presidents and Congresses backing off on this important job has resulted in millions of illegals here, many of whom now have kids and grandkids that HAVE US citizenship by virtue of simply being dropped here, and some of those are now IN our government while retaining their loyalties to their home countries and communities, in effect a Fifth Column working to defeat our border controls from within. Couple that with the fact that most of the rest f second- and third-generation illegals are now organized to vote and raise funds for candidates and they are now as powerful an influence as Ike and other like him used to be, but now on the opposite side. Illegals are like weeds in the garden, and we didn’t prune the weeds for too many years so now they are entrenched and claiming ownership and “right”.

    We need a President who will come in like a rototiller and uproot and remove the illegals and their kids quickly and permanently, and manufactured public outcry over it be damned. Sadly though, I’m not seeing such a person coming along, and if one did, the task may be too great and the opposition too daunting now. I wish I was wrong, but…

  6. The food donation boxes are all up at the Pentagon. The slogan is something about all the children and families that go hungry in America. Hint: They aren’t Americans. The food banks are just one way illegals are draining our country.

    My Wife’s church also puts together school backpacks full of school supplies. The schools send “needy” children to the churches to get them. Guess who picks most of them up? Illegals. No one seems to have a problem mixing church and state when they depend on the church to support the bad policies of the state.

    Cut off all the support and the illegals will send themselves home because it is too expensive to live here.

  7. Pingback: What Do These Three Presidents Have In Common? | Give Me Liberty

  8. I understand that The Immaculated was in a prison complaining about crowding. So first part of solution – deport the illegals that are currently occupying space in our prisons. Step 2 – deport every illegal no matter what country they are from. Families broken up? Well, that’s called consquences of actions. Sorry your kid had to go into foster care but that’s on you.