Inside job???

You’ve probably heard about the guns being stolen out of an armory in Worcester, MA last weekend…

Someone stole more than a dozen guns from a facility in Worcester without setting off alarms.

Full article HERE.

I was chatting with a Marine Reserve who has been in charge of an weapons locker in a reserve center. He told me point blank, “It HAD to be an inside job.” When he listed all the safeguards, checks, cipher locks, etc. AND cameras, he said there is no way in hell it could be anything else…

The real question is when/where these guns will show up next…

In other news, this one showed up via the mil email chain… Good advice here!

Ten ways to avoid being killed in a terrorist attack- HERE.

I would add one more, if there is a question in your mind about going somewhere/attending something, just don’t go…



Inside job??? — 10 Comments

  1. It’s time to start half a dozen draw Mohammed contests across the nation to lure them in like lode stones.

    As to the armory, I agree. There is great care taken to protect weapons, but protecting against an inside job is impossible.

  2. I saw a news story where they bagged the guy (though I cannot find the hyperlink to save my life!) and he was an ex-Reservist who’d been discharged due to criminal activity. And they found him because his *GPS-ENABLED ANKLE MONITOR* indicated he was on-site at the time of the theft. Ye Gods and little fishes, how stupid can one possibly be?!

  3. An alarm went of at 9:07 PM. The local Police must have done a drive by like they do in Missouri. If they can not see anything wrong from the out side it is not there problem.