I’m not sure…

There is enough food to feed everybody tomorrow… The gang isn’t all here yet, and stuff is disappearing! 🙂

Food 1

Already had to make a run to the store for more bread and sandwich meat and cheese!!!Food 2

And the party’s not even starting until tomorrow…

By the time you read this, the brisket will already be on the smoker, and I’ll probably ONLY have 7 or 8 hours to go…

Thanks to Phelgmmy for pulling us together!!!


I’m not sure… — 16 Comments

  1. The aromas of the cooking must be great in your house.

    “We’re going to need a bigger fridge.”

    Have fun.

    • X2, that was my thought, except my first reaction was that you’ll need a SECOND fridge.

  2. You’re turning into Brigid, what with your ‘food porn’!
    (dammit! now I’m hungry!)



  3. Have an Awesome time at your gathering!
    Not much beats Texas BBQ, well nothing really…

  4. First thing on the need-to-buy list looks to be a bigger refrigerator, heh, heh.

  5. You will need a larger refrigerator for sure, possibly a second one to fill if you’re going to entertain a lot. However, what I am most interested in is the cool wall of books in your den and how the kitchen is open to that room. We bought a 1977 “fixer” in Arlington and I need to have my kitchen open to the living area. Adamant about that one. Your eating bar looks nice, especially at the lower level. Did the previous owners modify the floor plan for this or was it always that way? The post looks like it was possibly a support beam and had to stay. Looks cozy and inviting. Have a great party!

  6. Don’t see the beer supply. Hope you have another fridge!

  7. All- Thanks! Spare fridge in the garage. Kathie- it’s as designed, and I like it.

    Posted from my iPhone.

  8. Hey Old NFO;

    if food is disappearing, and you were Murphy, I would think the food was getting surfed. Man that food looks good and buy a second fridge….if noting else for the liquid refreshment. 😉

  9. Bob- True… LOL, but ‘these’ grazers are all two legged… And the food didn’t last. We had to make a run this morning for munchies and lunch! 🙂