
Gas prices may be coming down, but they STILL suck!!!

Granted I let it go a bit long between fill ups, but still… 

And in other news…

Two men were arrested late Wednesday night and charged with terrorism and firearms related charges. Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif, a/k/a Joseph Anthony Davis, 33, of Seattle, and Walli Mujahidh, a/k/a Frederick Domingue, Jr., 32, of Los Angeles were arrested after they allegedly took possession of machine guns that they purchased and planned to use in an attack on the Military Entrance Processing Station (“MEPS”) on Seattle’s East Marginal Way.

Unbeknownst to the defendants, the weapons were rendered inoperable and posed no risk to the public. The defendants initially planned an attack on Joint Base Lewis-McChord, but later changed targets. The defendants intended to carry out their attack with both grenades and machine guns.

Courtesy of the Baltimore Sun, read the entire story HERE.  Interestingly enough, I haven’t seen this in any other MSM outlets… Can’t help but wonder if it’s because they are black and muslim…

That seems to be the don’t touch with a 10 foot pole combination for the MSM.  Much like the “Marine Reservist” that wanted to attack the Pentagon, they don’t mention that he is Ethiopian, naturalized, and a muslim…


Dayum… — 16 Comments

  1. One more fool who believed the Brady tools when they said that you could buy machine guns at gun shows with no ID.

    Do you ever wonder if the whole thing is a false flag op to catch people too stupid to live? It’s caught terrorists AND the Brady tools.

  2. You’re right, NFO.

    Black AND converted Muslim. Doesn’t fit any narrative, and pointing it out makes one a dirty racist :rolleyes:

    From one who has spent way too much time in a MEPS lately, I’ll tell you right now that they’re a damned soft target.

  3. Our gas is just now back under the $4 mark ($3.97 nearest my home). It’s not good to go too long between fill-ups.

    The other story? The first two commenters covered it well.

  4. How about that! Federal agents do know how to render firearms inoperable before handing them over to criminals. That’s amazing! Wouldn’t it be even more amazing if a federal agency with oversight on firearms, say like the ATF, did such a thing when trying to catch gun traffickers taking thousands of guns into Mexico?

  5. Good to see gas prices drop. They need to drop a lot to have any meaningful impact. Say you drive 150 miles a week on your commute, shopping, and chores at 25 mpg. At $4.00 a gallon you spend $24. At $3.85 you spend $23.10. Live large on that $.90? People making less than $12 an hour are hurting.

    Do you think the MSM believe, if you don’t report it, it will go away?

  6. Sean- I truly wonder some times…

    Heath- Good points, and yeah, MEPS ARE soft targets.

    Rev- Most places now won’t let you charge more than $75 on a credit card…

    Andy- Yeah, that would have made too much sense… sigh…

    WSF- Yep, you’re right on BOTH counts! And for some people those ‘pennys’ truly DO make the difference.

  7. Your first comment said it all “Gas prices are coming down but they still suck”
    I agree with all the other comments made too!

    Great Post! Thanks

  8. Exxon in Maryland today was 3.85 as I traveled home from Reston, VA. My truck takes 34 gallons, so I have to swipe my credit card twice.

    Who makes the rules for journalism? What can be written and reported? Ohhh, that’s right, journalism professors. It all makes sense now.

  9. Makes me glad I STC’d the Cessna way back when I did–as long as I can find auto-gas with no ethanol, that Continental O-300 can run all day long.

    Avgas prices? I paid over $7/gallon up in Rochester a while back.

    The media, Muslims and our genetic mutants exercising their “rights” are getting out of hand. I mention the Westboro Baptist freakshow over on my blog today at the request of a young soldier and a young airmen who had a spat with them.

    But let one of US do something to these troublemakers, and by God, the MSM will be all over us like stink on a skunk.


  10. SS- thanks!

    Danny- Good point! Wish I’d known you were down this way, we could have gotten dinner one night.

    AOA- Yeah, I didn’t EVEN want to get into avgas pricing… and concur on your second point!

  11. Lower prices but not low enough. I got it in Loudoun County for $3.63 yesterday.

    And guess where those two guys converted to Islam? Prison. Didn’t we just have hearings about that, during which one of our esteemed lawmakers suggested that the hearings were irrelevant?

  12. PH- good for you on the gas, and yep, you are absolutely correct! Rep Kelly has been accused of ‘fostering’ hate with those hearings!!!

  13. Gas is down to $3.52 in rural GA and in Augusta it’s $3.39. When was it .81/gallon…1997 or ’98?

    Wish it would get there again! 😀

  14. Of course they never mention the religion when a suspect is Muslim. That would ruin the whole “religion of peace” narrative.

    Of course by not saying, they ARE saying.