How Many Times…

Do we have to ‘relearn’ this???

“The budget should  be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled,  public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and  controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be  curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt.
People must again  learn to work, instead of  living on public assistance.”

–  Cicero – 55 BC 

And a bit of humor to start the week…

Why Some Men Have a Dog And No Wife:                                  

1.   The later you are, the more excited your 
dogs are to see you.

2.      Dogs don’t notice if you call them by 
another dog’s name.

3.      Dogs like it if you leave a lot of things on 
the floor.

4.      A dog’s parents never visit.

5.      Dogs agree that you have to raise your 
voice to get your point across.

6.      Dogs find you amusing when you’re 

7.      Dogs like to go hunting and fishing.

8.      A dog will not wake you up at night to 
ask, “If I died, would you get another dog?”

9.      If a dog has babies, you can put an ad in 
the paper and give them away.

10.  If a dog smells another dog on you, they 
don’t get mad. They just think it’s interesting.

And last but not least, If a dog leaves, it 
won’t take half of your stuff.


How Many Times… — 16 Comments

  1. NFO: Wow, the quote from Rome, that’s scary! If ONLY we could learn from History!

    And on a lighter note… The dog vs. wife jokes, LOL funny! Thanks for the giggles!

  2. Indeed! ’bout time to get a dog here! It is true that those that do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

  3. Wait are you trying to tell me that money doesn’t just magically shoot out of the great ones a**, when ever we need to pay our national debts? That I shouldn’t count on him to give me ‘free’ stuff to buy my vote? But I just bought some new hooker pumps.


  4. Car- Yep, that too…

    Suz- Ah, we’re stoopid??? 🙂

    BP- You’re welcome!

    Rev- Ain’t THAT the truth!

    Pamela- It is… It TRULY is…

    Keads- Good points!

    Phlegmmy- yep

    Julie- And??? 🙂

    PH- 😛

    Crucis- You in trouble again??? 🙂
    Good point, but FINDING one is truly hard.

    Josh- Bad… BAD 🙂

  5. Its very aggravating. I’ve been dealing with people on G+ who were all about the “enormous war debt” when Bush was around, but somehow the debt can’t get large enough now.

  6. Andy- Oh so true… dammit…

    Skul- Yep 🙂

    WSF- Dammit I left that one off, thanks 🙂 NOW we’ll BOTH be in trouble!