Standby, It’s fixing to get interesting…

And NOT in a good way…
North Korea has put at least four Sang-O and Yono subs to sea in advance of their planned ‘satellite’ (read ICBM test) launch next week.

Japan is polishing up their missile shield, vowing to shoot it down if they are ‘threatened’ by either the missile or debris, and the South Korean Navy is weapons free if they take any incoming after the incident last year with the patrol boat sinking.

You can read the entire article HERE.

And the US response???

Apparently sitting on our hands, again… dammit…

We CANNOT continue this level of appeasement in the international community and expect our military to continue to be ‘safe’ in the various locations where we operate. 

This administration needs to go in Nov ’12 period!!!

Remember- Relect NONE is 2012!

Oh yeah, and AD, TOTW, and MD your ‘new’ ambulance is ready…


Standby, It’s fixing to get interesting… — 16 Comments

  1. Obama makes Carter look like a steely eyed warrior.

    I hope our expeditionary armed forces is ready to fight a conventional land war in Asia.

  2. I’ve been following that story, as best able through the media filters.

    Gasoline, air, and matches…..

  3. Nature abhores a vacuum – actions like this should suprise no one. There also seems to be mischief going on in China, Sinai, Iran not to mention the “stans” – a fairly long list. With the leadership of the US in collapse, all those who wish to make their mark are bound to stir the pot. The Norks are but one of many. Honest to God, I wish I was younger, how can we leave this mess to our kids.

  4. The Obama Administration is weak and ineffective by design. His mommy was a commie, so was his “Uncle Frank” and he has a soft place in his heart for ‘the worker’s paradise’.

    I wonder if he was speaking to the North Koreans, if he’d have patted them closer to center (on their lap) than he did the Russians?

  5. Andy- I don’t want to VOTE none, I just don’t want to re-elect ANY incumbents…

    Rick- True!

    DB- They’ve been cut so low, we don’t have enough troops left…

    .- It’s a LOT uglier than the media is painting it.

    eia- Concur, and we’re pretty much screwing the next generation in a multitude of ways.

    LL- Good point, and no idea. dammit…

  6. Old NFO, you know as well as I that the job of our ground troops in Korea is to die in a glorious and newsworthy fashion, so the UN can be moved to write a strongly worded letter to the Norks.

    30 miles…

  7. Aren’t our friends in the PATRONs able to schedule a FAM or two in the Sea of Japan and Yellow Sea?

    And, as Top B says, NO responsible military man has ever wanted to fight a ground war in Asia. As Chesty showed at the Chosin Reservoir, you can’t shoot fast enough. Not to mention the logistics nightmare.

  8. Is there ANYTHING this administration has done that would indicate they are NOT a ComIntern Cell?

  9. Msgt- yep… dammit…

    WSF- As they count the bodies…

    Matt- It’s coming

    Don- They are, but weaps tight…

    Brigid- Concur!!!

  10. Surely, the sitting on hands doesn’t surprise? With his effete attitudes, I wonder if Øbama ever got punched in the snot-locker? He certainly has never impressed as being a “man” who would stand up for what he knows is right in the moral sense, only for what he feels is right for him ……………….

    Semper Fi’