A Few Posters…

A few from the Mil-email chain…

Since this is what I felt like after being back in the office for the first time in two weeks… I needed a little pick me up…

As a few (hundred) bad guys found out…

And our best kept secret 🙂

And sadly, the Navy is just getting in worse and worse shape, contrary to what the Administration is saying… HERE is the truth, and the reality of a 254 ship Navy when we need 500 just to maintain current requirements!!!

Now I just wonder if they will fire the CNO over this honesty…

Has anybody heard even the first peep about cutting ANY entitlements?  I sure as hell haven’t…

h/t JP and Frito


A Few Posters… — 8 Comments

  1. Obviously, I’m no naval expert but I can count. Per Wikipedia, The Chinese have as many attack submarines as we do (53-52). Lot less water to cover.
    Any number of countries have intermediate to long range missiles. Off the shelf GPS guidance systems are available. How hard is it to track carriers by satellite?

    Unfortunately, we have political leadership willing to let us become a third rate naval power. No apparent historical memory of the need, and the means to do so, to keep the world’s troubles away from our shores.

  2. Barack Hussein Obama has revelled in his efforts to downgrade the US and to bring his brand of European Socialism to our shores. When you spend trillions on socialism (and you run out of other people’s money), you end up with a navy that is on par with Sweden or Egypt.

    The formula isn’t all that difficult to understand unless you are a “progressive”.

  3. Re the Strutting Rooster. “Hater’s gotta Hate.”
    “If you think I look bad, you should see the looser, he’s roasted.”

  4. Andy- That they do… 🙂

    WSF- Easy to ‘track’, pretty damn hard to ‘attack’ though… And your last point and LL’s are correct!

    LL- Concur!

    C-90- Yep, at least I ‘survived’ the day…

  5. I was doing a post for my blog about the state of NATO and one of the points was that the politicians wouldn’t let their military do anything except humanitarian missions and the budget of the total NATO alliance is 20% defence and that is the other 27 members and we do the rest of it. That is what will happen here, get another 40 years of social engineering, the warrior spirit is being breed out,Look at schools today, anti violence rules? When I was in school, the bully would get his ass kicked…after a while. Now that is a nono. We will be like Europe, the entitlement spending is increasing so defence takes a cut. The Russians are getting frisky. Sorry didn’t mean to go o a rant on your blog.

  6. Our Navy is a far cry from Reagan’s 600-ship navy. Maybe it’ll be a wake-up for the Euros the next time they get their ass in a crack, hollar for help and get… **crickets*** !