National Law Enforcement Memorial…

Today marks the start of Memorial Week for the National LEO Memorial here in DC. LEOs from all over the world turn out to honor the fallen for the past year.  So far this year, the toll is down significantly, with only 40 officers End of Tour in 2012. Take a moment if you would and remember those who gave their lives to protect ours.

Granted not all of them are perfect, but the Thin Blue Line is doing what they can to keep the peace here at home.


National Law Enforcement Memorial… — 7 Comments

  1. WSF- Concur! Everybody bitches about the few bad ones, but there ARE a lot of good ones out there!

  2. But wait a minute… all these guns being bought and all those laws being removed from the books and we’ve been told by the Brady’s, etc… that police deaths are on the rise. That just can’t be.


  3. Most cops do a good job with Shitty People.

    Sadly, it affect their view of the rest of the citizens that they swore to protect.

    And the keep making excuses for the bad ones instead of chasing them out.

    Having said that, most cops earn my respect daily.

  4. It is the 10% of the general population that are dicks, including cops. The CYA is what pisses folks off.

  5. Andy- Are you ‘really’ gonna believe ANYTHING that bunch says???

    MrB- Good point!

    Skip- yep!

  6. Geezz NFO – makin’ me feel like an old fart with this post. I had two close encounters with the B-52s. In Taiwan we knew them as “Sky King” – and that they were, locked and loaded out of Guam, ready to roll on West and take their chances dealing death and destruction. We would relay encoded messages that were essentially “go-no go” commands.

    A year later, near Ahn Khe, while I did a VERY short stint as an RTO with the 4th ID, I enjoyed the relief that a B-52 drop can bring when there are way too many bad guys that are way too close. The deafening, rolling explosions and concussions, the way it rattled my chest – not sure I can even explain it, but certainly memorable.

    She’s a warhorse who’s earned her reputation!