In Other News…

John Lott has a great article on the Maryland right to carry issue,  “What a Balancing Test will show for Right-to-Carry Laws”  up HERE.

Well written, cogent, and pretty damn hard to refute!!!

Take the time, it’s worth the read!

And how many have ever heard of Kitty Werthmann?  I’d heard a bit, and seen a part of the video, pretty much an interesting ‘tale’ of Hitler in the early days…  You can go HERE and read an exerpt…

Just for grins I googled/Snopes Kitty Werthmann, nothing shows on Snopes at ALL (interesting in and of itself). Google had quite a few hits, and some were pretty interesting, hitting both sides of the equation, two were negative, one pretty rabid, the other negating her based on ‘other’ research… Overall, most were positive.  Try it yourself, and see what you get! 

I’m off to see some folks, and maybe do some shooting… 🙂  Y’all have a good day! 


In Other News… — 5 Comments

  1. I’d read the Kitty story before.
    Took it as gospel.
    The “Balance” treatise is a good reference for arguing our point. Thanks.