0300 Phone Call…

Chris Muir over at Day by Day hit a home run with this one…

Benghazi WAS the 0300 phone call, and it didn’t get answered…



0300 Phone Call… — 11 Comments

  1. Oh, NFO. Obama has our folks, in harms way, backs! He has said so on many occasions. Goes along with a lot of other things he has said.

  2. Americans abandoned when they could have been helped.

    Military absentee ballots first delayed, then destroyed.

    What the hell is going on, and why aren’t more people pissed off about it?

  3. Benghazi reminds me of what my drill sergeant told us in a heart to heart just before graduation:

    “You are American soldiers. You break things and hurt people so civilians don’t catch bullets.

    “Expendable? Always.

    Disposable!?! Never!”

    The Obama Administration (collectively) doesn’t understand the difference between “expendable” and “disposable.”