
I ‘hate’ it when I get proven right some times…

I had commented on a couple of posts that I was more worried about an EO than legislation…

Vice President Joe Biden revealed that President Barack Obama might use an executive order to deal with guns. 

From the Weekly Standard HERE.


Dammit… — 21 Comments

  1. Hey Old NFO,

    If I recall correctly, EO’s only pertain to the executive branch of the government. We as American citizens would disobey such a thing since it isn’t a law under the constitution. That being said, many people wouldn’t know better and obey it:(

  2. It won’t surprise me. I wonder how many LEOs understand it doesn’t have the force of law, though.

  3. Yep, I expected it as well. Just the start . . . . . my wife just looks at me . . . . . “He’s Hitler, he’s Hitler” . . . said without a trace of humor. Sadly, I think there is much in common there . . . .

  4. Obama has been mis- using the E.O. device more than any other recent President . . . to circumvent the Constitution and other Founding Documents. He has the blessing of Eric Holder (a most anti-American leader of the law).

    Since attaining power Mr.Obama and Mr. Holder have been dismantling our government one issue at a time.

    Neither is a follower of traditional liberalism . . . and together they are a formidable danger.

  5. MrG- Technically you are correct… But depends on who decides to ‘enforce’ it and how…

    Stephen/Rev- Yeah

    Tim- True!

    eia- Can’t disagree

    MSgt- I’m beginning to wonder… And technically we’re a Republic, NOT a democracy…

    Keads- Yep

    Bump- Agreed!

  6. This is why some of us fought so hard to get every conservative and libertarian to let bygones be bygones in November and just vote to get Obama out of office. And these days are our reward for failing to do that when we had the last chance.

  7. I called it a day after Sandy Hook. I’m thinking it’s a reason to impeach if he tries it for failing to defend the Constitution per his oath of office.

  8. hmmmm… I know Biden tends to run his mouth more then he should. But you can rest assured, whatever the decision is, I am sure it will head to the Supreme Court..and then we will see what side Justice Roberts is really on

  9. Even my hoplophobe father agreed with me when I said that a gun control EO would not go over well.

  10. Yjr decision to institute gun control was made the day after the election. Sandy Hook just have them a reason. Bite-me is meeting with the BRA tomorrow. That’s nothing but political theater.

  11. Murph- I know… dammit…

    MC- Possible

    CA- So do “I”, but I’m not confident of that…

    Ed- Yep

    JUGM- Good point!!

    PH- Yeah…

    Scott- True!

    Robert- I think you’re correct.

    WSF- Not anymore

    Rick- Yes sir…

  12. I’m thinking they may try and “reclassify” AR’s and others to the Title 2 list like Lloyd Bentsen did in ’94 with the shotguns.