
Presented without comment… — 15 Comments

  1. Things that make you go, “hmmmm…”

    At this point, there have been so many lies from DC that anything’s possible. I’d believe just anything of them, at this, EXCEPT they have our “best interests in mind.”

  2. We know that Obama is the Messiah (or the Mahdi – depending on how you roll). Maybe he resurrected her?

  3. Thanks, NFO. Now I’ll have that tune from that video running through my mind the rest of the day.

    Here’s another thing to make you go hmmm

    there’s enough of this out there floating around when put together to make you ill.

    When considered in with the fact that the left used this situation to push their anti-gun ideology, you really have to start questioning everything you see on the TV news.

  4. Take a look at the fingers of two of the kids.

    Horns, supposed some secret illuminti or skull and bones signal, I don’t remember which as I only read it in passing.

    Anyway, look at how deformed the fingers are.

    Photoshoped much?

  5. I watched this video the went to youtube and watched some other videos.They make me think this is a false flag

  6. Add in this:

    (Start about 2:55. Notice the fact that he smiles and laughs…

    Just before he cries about the fact that his daughter is dead.

    Who the fuck smiles a few hours after having your daughter shot and killed?

  7. All- Thanks for the comments, I am NOT going down this particular rat hole, but it DOES make one wonder… YMMV and all that…