Ramirez hits a home run…

Michael Ramirez hits another one out of the park with this cartoon…

He’s well worth following!

And when you add in Planned Parenthood’s 300,000+ abortions…


Ramirez hits a home run… — 12 Comments

  1. Shhhh. Next they’ll come for my kitchen knives and meat tenderizers…and then for my frying pans. I wouldn’t be shocked if the ObamaNation came up with a brilliant scheme to register sharpened sticks.

  2. CP/Ed- Don’t forget the aluminum ones…

    WSF- Yep

    LL- Probably, sigh…

    Rick- They’re replacing them with nightmares…

  3. One of the items I carry in my truck is a club about 18″ long that semi-drivers use to thump their tires. It’s a cross between a billy club and a miniature Louisville Slugger. I got stopped for speeding the other day and the cop saw it and informed me that it was illegal. He ‘let’ me keep it and didn’t cite me.

    I did a little research afterwards and found that Texas law defines “Club” as an instrument that is specially designed, made, or adapted for the purpose of inflicting serious bodily injury or death. I guess you can stretch that definition to include a baseball bat, or an axe handle, or a frying pan…

    God help us all.

  4. Ed- Yep!

    Tim- Interesting, guess I better take mine out of the truck then… sigh

    Opus- Good one! 🙂

  5. That’s on the money. My buddy Byron, who was an ER nurse, said he’d shoot anyone who came near him holding a 2×4…because everyone he’d seen brought into the ER after such an assault was DOA.