Beer Machine…

In response to an emailed question, yes the beer machine is alive and well in the Red Carpet Club at Narita… πŸ™‚

It’s Asahi, but beggers can’t be choosers… Sigh…


Beer Machine… — 12 Comments

  1. Any cold beer is better than no beer at all. Even Black Label or Blue Ribbon or Old Milwaukee…well, maybe not O.M.

  2. I like Asahi super dry when it’s stupidly hot outside.

    I prefer heavier stuff when it’s colder…

  3. Opus- Yep, I didn’t take a picture of the ‘automated’ toilet seat… It was ‘only’ $800!

    Scott- I’m more of a Sapporo/Kirin guy over there…

    NC- Yeah, except it was spitting snow in Yokosuka last week… sigh

    WSF- LOL, yep automate EVERYTHING!