
I needs my ‘precious’…

This being 12 hours out of sync SUCKS!!! Morning all…


Coffeeeee… — 11 Comments

  1. That is me in the morning….Watching all of head for the coffee machine is like watching an audition for the walking dead.

  2. Somewhere in Japan, there is this truly terrifying coffee bar.

    They make Triple cold brewed coffee. Stuff’s about thick enough to stand the spoon in, and carries enough caffeine to restart a dead man’s heart.

    See also “Black Blood of the Earth”

  3. Stephen- I needs it… sigh… 4 hours of sleep and off to work.

    MrG- Yep… stumbling dead more like it…

    LL- Oh HELL no…

    Keads- It is… sigh…

    Rev- Such fun…

    eia- Sorry!

    Opus- Ohayou gozaimasu

    CP- Have to switch to bourbon, no good scotch here…

    Scott- I could have used that this morning!!!