B. Hussein at it again…

Well, B. Hussein is not making friends and influencing people in Penn…

I was gonna write a blast about his comments, till I read the Cranky Prof’s, all I can say is she said it MUCH better than I can, and with a lot more humor!

On a side note- I’m on travel again, story of my life…

Note to self- DO NOT work a full day then fly all night and half the next day. I tend to get a ‘little’ crankier than normal…

Anyhoo- Flying from Sydney to Perth yesterday, I was sitting next to a nice Australian couple, mid-50’s, on the way to see their first grandbaby. They were asking about the political race in the US and were VERY well informed, sitting directly in front of us was a couple from New Zealand, mid-50’s, on ‘holiday’. They joined in for couple of hours and were also well informed.

Folks, bottom line, the people down under are scared to death of BOTH Billary and B. Hussein! They do not see either as any type of leader, and the NZ lady referred to Billary as a “political parasite”, and B. Hussein as a scary, scary person.

Neither couple thought it bodes well for ANY mutual aid agreements if either gets in power, and they all wondered why the MSM coverage was so biased!

I didn’t even try to go there!

Well, off to try find a hamburger that doesn’t have beets or BBQ sauce on it…

sigh… travel is just SUCH fun…


B. Hussein at it again… — 7 Comments

  1. There are alot of folks here in the US that are scared of those two…

    Beets in the hamburgers? YUK!

  2. Admiral- No comment… 🙂

    Fire fox- TELL me about it…sigh… You should have seen my expression after the first bite. 🙂

  3. It’s funny how folks from 12 to 15k away can see those two for what they really are, but the folks here at home intentionally wear blinders or their head is so far up their asses they are totally disconnected from any sort of reality! I’m scared too! Shit-less! Sorry about the uncouth sailor words!