There’s descriptive, and then there is DESCRIPTIVE…

Perusing the web I ran across this commentary by John Ransom over at Town Hall…

Lost amidst the White House he-said-she-said of finger pointing, scandal, incompetence, venality, hubris, vanity, error, greed, gluttony, embarrassment, cover up, stupidity,  amateur bungling, brownnosing, grandstanding, photo-opting and hearings as the result of a few minor mistakes made by the Obama administration- an administration which rode roughshod over a several outdated laws, certain small parts of the Bill of Rights written by irrelevant white dudes; an administration that got people killed, violated civil rights, harassed government employees, ignored it’s basic responsibilities and common sense- are these small, little, niggling details: The folks in charge are freaking hypocrites; and because the are hypocrites they have nothing to offer the American people.

Read the whole thing HERE.

I think he gets it…  And the Auditors will be calling on Monday…


There’s descriptive, and then there is DESCRIPTIVE… — 6 Comments

  1. Yeah he gets it, but the is talking to the choir. Those who need to read it won’t be at the place where they can… other than Obie’s henchmen. If he disappears in a drone strike, think nothing of it. By the way, the Americans everybody talks about being killed by his administration. Aren’t the same Americans who were working for the jehad? They lost their right to a fair trial when they planned to kill Americans. That may be one of the few things Obie has done right.

  2. The bastards do it because they know they can get away with it, or think they can. It is somewhat like the school bully bawling after someone bloodies his nose (now I am dating myself).