Wrapping it up…

Last day on the road for this trip, and finally got some roo pics for those interested…

DSC00143All over the dang place…

DSC00142And playing hell on the golf course!!! In the space of probably two miles, saw upwards of 75 roos, and no I didn’t get out and play with them!

And no, I wasn’t playing golf either… Sigh…

Based on the amount of standing water we saw today South of Sydney, I’m thinking it’s safe to say the drought is OVER!

And sometimes the ‘bar food’ hits a home run!



They looked at me funny when I ordered it without the beet root and pineapple, and the ‘lettuce’ is kinda funky, but DAYUM that was a good burger!!! And in a little pub just South of nowhere…

Now off to bed, butt draggin and 26 hour day comin tomorrow…


Wrapping it up… — 18 Comments

  1. lol … yes roos are everywhere … lots of females with joeys in that photo. Travel home safe and thanks for the visit. Next time you’re down we’ll try and do some hunting!

  2. you told them to leave the beetroot out?!?

    Next thing you’ll be asking for Ketchup on it too 😀

    Safe travels – hope to see you one day on my side of Downunder


  3. Beet root? Seriously?
    And, unless it had teriyaki on it, there’s no reason for pineapple…


  4. Roo berger perhaps . . . . ?? Do they eat them? Just wondering, lotta meat of the hoof, er foot, er . . . what the heck to they call their hind feet anyway??

    Safe travels Jim!

  5. No where, no how can you beat Bar food.. or bowling alley burgers…the best by far.

    thanks for the Roo pics!

  6. Bill, don’t you read the internet? It’s Australia. Every single animal there is either poisonous, has really sharp teeth, or both. Those roos can probaly kill you at fifty feet.



  7. @BGM:

    I think you mean “venomous” not poisonous, but you are not far off.

    Of the top 25 venomous snakes by LD50, Australia has 20, and no other region has an entry in the top 10.

    Still, snake bite is rare, and there are few deaths, so most of us don’t worry about it very much.

    … and only the ‘roos with the frikkin’ lasers can kill you at 50 feet. All the rest can kill you at two feet, or is that WITH two feet.

  8. Kangaroo burger?

    Maybe the beet root is an antidote for some exotic venom/poison?

  9. Yeah! Kangaroos! I was starting to think you’d forgot.

    Didja bring one home? Murphy wants one.

  10. Keads- Tryin…

    Pax- Sorry to miss you, and no “I” don’t do ketchup on a burger… Mayo, Mustard and that is it! Plus I’ve hated beets since I was made to eat them as a kid at dinner! 🙂

    WSF- You and me both!!!

    Gufffaw- Yep, gotta watch em ALL the time, even Mickey D’s has beetroot on the burgers…

    JUGM- Concur and you’re welcome!

    BGM- True! And “I” do not want to get in a boxing match with a roo!!!

    Sendarius- Thanks for chiming in, and you’re correct, but the roos CAN get a running start and kick your (or my) ass pretty easily. One of the RAN officers I met with had dents in his driver’s side door from a roo that got pissed…

    LL- Not no, but HELL no on a roo burger… They are just NOT that good… And I don’t know, but they DO put strange stuff on foods down here!

    Brighid- That it does!

    Murph- Hadn’t forgotten, and I think Murphy would get tired of getting his butt kicked fairly quickly! 🙂 Besides, I can’t afford the quarantine fees!!!