Thought for the day…

We always hear about Social Security running out of money.

How come we never hear about Welfare running out of money?

My comment?


We are “SO” screwed…

And since I’m doing pictures, here are two more… h/t JP for these…

1375281_616307821742012_663752728_nAnd this one is one of the ‘better’ ones I’ve seen on Benghazi…



I’m off doing other things today, so go read the folks on the sidebar…


Thought for the day… — 7 Comments

  1. Workfare worked out better than welfare. But Obama wants the electorate dependent so he threw that out.

  2. Putting up fences on the borders keeps the illegal aliens who vote illegally for Democratic Party candidates out — can’t have that.

    Welfare buys votes, Social Security pensioners usually don’t vote for the Democrat.

    World War 2 was “a long time ago”…and the vets don’t vote for Obama.

  3. Declare the border a national park. Then obama will put up a proper fence and send armed guards to protect it.