The Grey Man- Payback…

It’s live!!!


The blurb…

Deputy Sheriff John Cronin and his granddaughter, Jesse, are preparing for Jesse’s upcoming wedding to her Marine when the Cartel decides to murder some South Texas cops as a payback for arresting their drug smugglers. They send a hit squad to kill Cronin, Jesse, and everyone close to the family. The only problem?

They missed the old man.

Leaving his badge behind, John Cronin, Francisco and a few others head south to teach them a lesson about what old school western justice really means.

It’s up on Amazon HERE.

I’m also dropping the Kindle price on The Grey Man- Vignettes to .99 until Sunday for anyone that wants a copy of that one.

As always, reviews are appreciated.  I only got 60 reviews on the first one, I’d like to do better on this one.  Sales are approaching the number of reviews Marko got so I’m pretty happy with that…

For those that want a dead tree version, it’s the same as last time. $14 send me an email and I’ll give you an address and get your info and any dedication you want. I will send the book out to you in approximately two weeks.


The Grey Man- Payback… — 41 Comments

  1. I only got 60 reviews on the first one…

    I think 60 reviews is pretty damned respectable for a first effort. VERY respectable, actually.

  2. Woohoo! Christmas! Only 60 reviews? For a first book? That is amazing! Silly. Silly. This one will probably get you more. Great job! Congrats!

  3. woo-hoo! And remember kids, trees are a renewable resource, so don’t feel bad about getting the dead tree version. Further more, my brat of a darling little sister made of with the Kindle.

  4. OK NFO, how do I acquire a signed copy?
    The Vignettes has been passed on to my fellow shooters & I want the new one. So How?


  5. Yup! Just bought the Kindle copy. It’s next on my reading list.

  6. Hey Old NFO

    I just downloaded the kindle version. I will want 2 signed copies, one for me and one for my brother. I will send you an email with my address on it and you can mail them to me since he will be visiting during thanksgiving.

  7. Digital copy downloaded. Dead tree copies for distribution to friends to follow.

  8. just so ya know….bought the new book and cant wait to get to it…

  9. Couldn’t put it down, finished it last night. Great read!

  10. Saw this yesterday, bought the Kindle edition yesterday, finished it last night. Great! As good as the first one.

  11. Got it and looking forward to getting off work to begin reading.
    A small thing, you might want to update your bio. Still says “This is his first novel.” Now that you’ve got an established series….(oh and when is the next one coming out? 😉 )

  12. Will there be a Nook version this time? I know B&N can be a pain. If not I’m in for a hard copy.

  13. ORT- Thanks!!!

    Woody- Appreciate that!

    Chuck- Thanks!

    Juvat- Oops, minor detail… Thanks! 🙂

    Randy- Probably not. Dealing with B&N is a PITA. Shoot me an email.

  14. OK the preview scares me because I’m attached to characters.5

  15. Yay! A beach read in time for me to read it at the beach! Congratulations, and it’s going on the kindle!

  16. Read this one in two settings. Great book, looking forward to #3 (hint hint)

  17. okay…I finished reading it….OUTSTANDING….(read my feedback on amazon)

  18. Got it. I’ll “peruse the pages” this weekend and put up a review.

  19. Gene- Thank you, working out it…

    Sundance- Thank you sir!

    Grog- Appreciate it, hope you enjoy it!

  20. Pingback: Today’s Earworm | DaddyBear's Den

  21. Congratulations! It’ll be pimped on the new blog in the morning, and purchased shortly thereafter. Well done, my friend.

  22. Pingback: Grey Matters | The Great White Snark

  23. Congrats on the new book. I’m here via “Martin Brody” at The Great White Snark. Send me an e-mail & I’ll take a dead tree copy off your hands. If it is as good as Martin’s first book, I know I’ll enjoy it.