
Thinking about putting this short story up on Amazon for $0.99 to see if anybody likes my MILSF attempt.  Comments/recommendations???

Note- This is not edited yet.


McDougal felt the ground shake and glanced down at his data comp, then remembered it was sitting in his office. Shrugging, he entered the last bit of programming into the still to start making the hooch. The ground shook again, much harder, and he cursed under his breath, hit enter on the unit and headed out of the tunnel.

Resetting the hologram to mask the entrance, he started walking quickly back down the main tunnel, automatically checking the overhead runs to make sure nothing had come loose. A third ground shaking, crashing noises from the tunnel head, and he started running.

Reaching the tunnel head, he waved at the door sensor and heard grinding as the door started sliding slowly into the recess. It stopped after about twenty-four inches with a metallic screech, smoke pouring through the opening. McDougal squeezed through the opening, coughing at the odor of burning plastic and ozone. He stumbled over something, felt the wall and made it into his office. Grabbing his EBA, he donned it as he ripped the band that blanked his chip off his neck.

Scrabbling for his beeping datacomp, he saw it flashing red and touched the screen to display the alert.




He cleared that alert, only to see another pop up.




Clearing that, another one.




McDougal shook his head, knowing he’d screwed the pooch. Taking the datacomp off was a write up at the least, and a courts martial at worst, much less blocking his chip, which was a straight up courts martial offence. Dreading what he’d see next, he cleared that message too.












Looking at the times, he realized that forty minutes had gone by since the initial evacuation order had been sent. He sagged back against his desk thinking, then turned to the armor sitting in the back corner of his office, and powered it up. As it kneeled for him to get in, he took a last look around his office, then ripped the EBA off and clamored into the armor.

Running through the BIT checks, he paid particular attention to the weapons status and was thankful to see that Buckley had reloaded his bead rifle magazine. Even though he was a maintenance tech, and could work on damn near anything, getting those last links of beads into the magazine correctly was beyond him without a lot of cussing.

The suit came up all greens on the HUD and McDougal tongued the comms over to the open channel, hoping to hear someone. After a few seconds of static, he said, “McDougal on open. Anybody copy?”

Static was the only response. Tonguing over to Tac, he tried again with the same results. Then he saw one red icon in the corner of the display, he wasn’t accessing the network. Cussing again, he toggled a reset, then stepped ponderously out of his office, careful to duck to clear the doorway. Nothing but smoke, so he flipped the visor to IR, and stared as he details of the destruction became apparent. It looked like the entire building had collapsed into what was left of the basement. About twenty feet to his left, there appeared to be a shaft of light penetrating the smoke.

Shifting beams and pieces of debris, he made his way over there and looked up. Peering over and around beams, he could see what appeared to be an ambient difference in light and temperature. Toggling through his menu, McDougal found the ferrets and saw that he had thirty on board. Arming his targeting laser, he marked the opening above with the carat, tagged a ferret to covert investigation and felt an external hatch slam open, then closed a second later.

The ferret, about the size of a matchbook, whatever that was, I always forget to look that up he thought, climbed up the wall on its articulated arms. He followed it with IR until it disappeared above, then waited until his HUD pinged. Still no network, but at short ranges like this, he could get a direct video and audio feed from the ferret. Toggling them on, he sagged as he saw a hole where building two should be.

Commanding the ferret to scan and search, he watched grimly as the ferret moved then panned from left to right, buildings three and four were gone, but building five still stood, and the TGate was still active! It was blocked by an APC sitting on its skirts, and something else.

Putting his targeting carat on the object he toggled the zoom function, and saw a red helmet protruding beyond the back of the APC. Fist clenched in rage, he knew Joe Buckley hadn’t made it. He flashed back to a conversation he and Buckley had a week earlier-

      “Joe, how’d you end up on this ass end of nowhere deal?”

      “Ah, payback for my last fuck up. It was either this or a bust back to sergeant. The colonel took pity on me, since we have a history.” 

      “A history?”

      “Yeah, I don’t turn his ass in, he covers for me. But I’ve got a bad feeling about this det. I always said I wanted to die in bed at a hundred and thirty with two thirty year olds, but this place… This is your first det as the senior maintenance guy isn’t it?”

      “Yep, first one where I’m running the show. After I made senior sergeant, I went back for school then I did the Orincon det as number two, the jump to Randall as the number two, and passed the tests and bumped up to number one for this one.”

      “You guys don’t get out much do ya?”

      “Nah, our job is keeping the home fires burning, and fixing all the shit y’all break. Well, me and Herbert and six mechs on this one.”

      “That means you’ve got access everywhere and to everything, right?”

      “Umm, yeah, why?”

      “If I go down, there’s some shit in my locker that needs to ‘disappear’, if you know what I mean.”

      “Ah, you’re just being paranoid, Joe. Ain’t gonna happen.”

      “Just in case, okay… Just disappear that shit.”


Well, based on the damage to the barracks, McDougal guessed that wasn’t an issue anymore. Setting the ferret back in scan mode, he saw building six was still up, which was why there was power to the TGate. Panning the ferret back to the TGate he lased the TGate, 334 feet. 334 feet from being able to get off this damn rock alive.

The ferret detected a grinding noise and pivoted toward it, blanked momentarily as it encountered a beam then irised as the video slewed and the ferret hopped to clear the beam. A clunky looking APC, obviously not one of the Patrol’s pulled into view between the wreckage of buildings two and four and settled on its skirts.

A squad of Dragoons in armor dismounted, started randomly firing into the wreckage, and toward any noise or electronic sources. McDougal reviewed what he knew about them, as he dumped the ferret into full covert mode and unconsciously crouched. GoonsBig, ugly, air breathers six-seven feet tall, two-fifty, three hundred pounds of pissed off. Bipedal, opposable thumbs, three fingered clawed forelegs, three toed clawed feet. Vestigal tails, vestigial wings. Nasty frikken fangs. Carnivorous, eat prisoners and dead. Patriarchal society, ruled by warriors. Expansionist slave culture, kits molt and mature at two years old, start training as warriors at three years. Can age to a hundred years.

McDougal relaxed the armor to a sitting position and took stock. Looks like I’m the only motherhumper left. The TGate is still up, but I can’t get there… Wait, I’ve got the tunnel. Ten feet a day, so eleven days, means a hundred and ten feet.

      So two hundred twenty-four feet to the TGate, or… punching the datacomp, he pulled up the grid of the camp layout. One hundred eighty-one feet to the center of building six, no wait, that’s the plant. Expanding the grid, he focused on building six, If I come up there… Hooking the carat on that point in the grid he punched it to the digger mech currently scraping at the end of the current tunnel, reduced the size of the tunnel to eight feet by five feet and commanded the mech to quiet mode. The mech completed its calculations and a new countdown timer popped into the upper corner of the HUD, starting at 70:30:00 and rolling down.

He called up the mech menu, three of the six were still operational, and he commanded the closest one back to the tunnel entry. While it trundled back down the tunnel, he hit the ferret’s link for a burst download, and reviewed the data. Dismayed, he saw two more of their APCs were now in the camp, but the Goons were just milling about and shooting into the wreckage.

      Wonder if I can get a message through the TGate… Maybe a ferret. Screw it, it’s worth a try! Calling the ferret menu up, he programmed it for an airborne passive search, hooked the first ferret and the TGate on the camp grid, and extended the distance another twenty feet on the bearing. If I’m right, this might get one through without it losing its tiny ass mind. He tagged it and felt an external hatch slam open, then closed a second later.

The second mech pinged his HUD saying it was at the tunnel entry and McDougal eased over to the door, using the power of the armor, he managed to move the door another two feet, and crouched the armor, sidled sideways through the opening, and look at the tunnel wall above the door. Putting his targeting carat at the top of the tunnel, he programmed the mech to laser bore a two inch hole through the wall into the basement.

Ten minutes later, a smoking hole extended through into the basement. McDougal programmed another ferret as a relay, and targeted it on the cooling hole, then tagged it. Turning to the door itself, he very gently pushed the emergency close panic button with one armored ‘finger’. He could hear screeching grinding and used the armored gauntlet to help the door move. Suddenly it came free and slammed home with a gong like sound that made him cringe.

Commanding the mech again, he directed it to weld the door in place. As soon as he’d done that, he realized his emergency rations were on the other side of the door and he laughed at himself, Starve or get killed and eaten. What a frikken choice! You are one stupid SOB! Commanding the relay ferret, he got an update from the stationary ferret and was thankful to note that none of the Goons had apparently heard the noise of the door closing.

Running an environmental scan, his armor determined the air was safe to breathe, so McDougal tromped down to the end of the tunnel and commanded the armor to kneel. As the seals broke he sniffed and was relieved to smell only traces of smoke. Climbing out of the armor with a groan, he pulled the datacomp free and jogged back up the tunnel to the maintenance tunnel.

He walked quickly through the maze of benches and piece parts to the fresher, and almost collapsed on the seat as his body started shivering. He put his head in his hands, and sighed, What the hell am I doing? I’ll never get off here. And if I do, I’m a dead man. Or I’ll at least be thrown under the damn prison. Shit… God damn hooch… Standing up, he stripped off his boots, skin suit and datacomp, and set the fresher on relax.

Fifteen minutes later, he stepped into his boots feeling much better and wearing a clean skin suit. He punched the datacomp, and located a cache of emergency rations in the supply tunnel across the main tunnel from him. That made him remember he had other digger mechs, and he commanded a second digger to the new tunnel, programming it to a cleanup mode, allowing the first mech to only perform the dig function. To his delight the counter dropped by almost ten hours, to 60:03:10 and counting.

He pulled an emergency ration out of the pack, cracked the seal and juggled it as he ran back across to the maintenance tunnel with it. Standing at the maintenance bench, he dutifully ate the entire ration, and drank the attached liquid pouch.

This is one of probably four chapters, 8-10000 words…


$.99??? — 35 Comments

  1. I am standing at the candy counter with $ 0.99 clutched in my grubby little hands and my nose is pressed against the glass.

    Powered armor, and aliens, and a mention of Buckley, oh my.

  2. Whenever you’re ready, I’ll gladly snap one up! Looks like a great read!

  3. The opening is vague, but I understand where you are going with the story. Reads well, sounds good, go for it.

  4. Just checked the couch cushions…I got $0.99 I’m willing to pass along 🙂 Let us know when you put it up…


  5. I’m in!

    It’s a good start!

    I’m sorry that I missed you when I was in TX, but I should be back there in 30 days. Hopefully you’re there at your compound, not on the road.

  6. Hey Old NFO;

    I have .99 laying around under the cushions and in the ashtray of the car and truck.

  7. Whiffs of Steakley’s “Armour”, a book I’ve read a hundred times. DO THIS. STXRYNN SENDS.

  8. All- Thanks, I’ll get to work on it, and cleaning up some issues folks have identified. Appreciate all the positive feedback too!!!

    Posted from my iPhone.

  9. STXRYNN is right on. Sorta similar to Steakley’s ARMOR. A little reminiscent of Gunn’s DEATH HEAD and even a little Haldeman — which is damned good company.

    I like it a lot, please keep going, I’d like to see where it leads.

    You have a very good way about you, which is why I purchased all your books via Amazon.

    I’m all in, sir.


  10. Great old fashioned sci fi. Love it. You put it out there and I’m good for 99 cents.

  11. I’m in. With powered armor and a Buckley as a chew-toy I’m getting more of a Ringo-esque feel to the story. Good start! I have all the Grey man books to date, waiting for more.

    Will you, Peter, or both of you be riding herd on Lawdog to get his blinking book out? Today’s entry is wonderful.

  12. do it i have raided the couch crevices and stand ready to throw my .99 cents your way

  13. Where do I send the payment? It reads as well as several other newish authors I am now following through the purchase of their SF series so keep writing, amigo.

  14. Reads as well as do several other newish authors I am buying serialized SF from via Kindle. Where do I send the funds and how soon will you have the first book done? Keep writing amigo, you do have a story tellers toucH!

  15. All- Thanks! I’ll throw it up on Amazon as soon as I get done and run it through editing!

    Posted from my iPhone.

  16. Oh, yeah. I likee. Even if I was forced to pay double your price, I’d do it.

    Now I’m sittin’ here with a worm on my tongue waiting with bated breath for it to show up on AMAZON.