I had a rant ready to go…

But this comment from another forum is MUCH better, and with links even…

I didn’t turn the text black like I normally do, to indicate it’s not MY writing, but in this case, the links are worth it.

BACKLASH: RIGHT WING TWITTER BEGINS DIGGING FOR DIRT ON CNN EMPLOYEES. “This is not the world I want to live in,” one of Ace of Spades’ co-bloggers writes, and I concur. “When I first saw that they’d embarrassed this guy, I laughed. I thought he was an on-air personality and at least a minor political player. After I realized he was just an editor, I cringed a little. I can’t bring myself to endorse it, but neither can I condemn it. This is what they’ve done to time and time again us and they won’t stop. What alternative is there?… This is only the beginning of an ever-growing pushback, one that’s only going to get nastier and more ugly. And everything that happens is on them. This is the rotten, worm infested harvest they have sown and they’re going to be choking on it for some time to come.”

As Ace himself warned the media last November, a week after Trump won, this backlash was coming. “You dominate this culture. You made the rules. You now get to live in the savage world you made brick-by-brick, media…The media loves to ride the tiger of Mob Hatred when that tiger is devouring a plebeian. Well, sometimes the tiger bucks, old chaps.”

Related: Regarding their actual news coverage, or the lack thereof, “Our Corrupt Media Is Now Haunted By All The Precedents They Set While Colluding With Obama.”

Posted at 5:22 pm by Ed D.

Between this, and the ongoing issues with the health care debacle, one questions where we are going to end up. Feel better that all the congresscritters and their minions have their own ‘special’ medical care, and apparently NO intention of giving it up???

Neither do I. My gut feeling is that the crap going on inside the beltway, aided and abetted by the MSM, is driving John Q. Public toward getting term limits on the ballots for 2018, and/or recall elections for their critters. OR WORSE…

We’ve already seen the shooting of Scalise and the others, who is next? Because we all know it’s coming. It’s just a matter of time. There is absolutely NO way to protect 535 individuals, unless they are sequestered, and that would make for an even bigger target for some crazy to go for.

Now add in the perspective of someone who has lost medical care for someone close, especially if it’s a child, due to the inaction inside the beltway, as they play their fun and games on both sides of the aisle. What do you think their reaction is going to be, if they have given up all hope? Are they going to strike out, and at whom? Rand Paul? Ted Cruz? Chuckie Schumer? Pelosi? Or???

I don’t have a clue, but I’d say to the congresscritters, if you value getting re-elected, much less your lives, you just ‘might’ want to think about unscrewing the health care mess before it totally collapses. Right now, it’s all on the Dems, led by Pelosi and Schumer, but anger is anger, and everything I’m hearing at the ‘street’ level is folks are getting well and truly pissed!

I have a suggestion for you congresscritters, DO YOUR F’ING JOBS we sent you there to do, stop playing BS politics…

YMMV, IANAL, I sure as hell don’t play one on TV, and I managed to get this post up without any four letter words…

Your thoughts/comments?


I had a rant ready to go… — 16 Comments

  1. Have to agree on the healthcare ‘debate’. Dems want to keep it because its their signature legislation. Repubs want to keep it because when it (likely) tanks, they can point to it for voters, saying ‘You See – thats why you need us!’.

    But we don’t need them. Nothing which Trump ran on was passed and I think that was done on purpose by Congress. The joke is on the voters – and the voters are likely to be pretty pissed off about it. The media does not realize what they have started – but they are gonna.

    The funny is Congress wants to go on recess – for doing absolutely bupkis.

  2. Anon- Excellent point, maybe we could send them in the schoolyard and let them play dodge ball?

  3. I think you’ve summarized the problem very neatly. But are any of them listening? It doesn’t appear so.

  4. The Reps are killing themselves just by the Never Trump BS. I think, first, the need to band together like the Dem’s do, then pass the new Obamalesscare health bill, and then tweak what needs changing. But get rid of Obamacare first. So far, they are the least productive congress in many years. As for the MSM, short of a Hitlerish takeover of the media, they do need to be gabbed by the short hairs and made to be non biased. Report FACTS, not agendas.

  5. Because of the chaos and anger generated over the past 25 years, of which Speaker Pelosi’s gavel parade was a beautiful example, people have elected representatives to federal and state office that are, or claim to be, “pure.” They do not want to see, or in some cases I suspect cannot see, that perfect is the enemy of good enough. Right now we need good enough. We need to get the .gov out of health insurance and health care. We need insurance portability. We need to make the patient the customer again, instead of the .gov or the insurance company. Perfect can’t happen in one swell foop. We need to start by walking back the worst excesses, see what works and what doesn’t, then change things, watch, change. Purity is getting in the way, along with everyone who is playing to “teh feeeeelzz.”

    At root, we need to teach the rising generations that insurance is a back-stop, not an EZ-Pay-Plan. Insurance is for when really bad things happen. It is not supposed to cover your yearly physical, your birth control (unless it is prescribed for medical reasons – endocrine and hormonal problems), and your nose job. Unless you, the customer, pay the high premiums for that kind of insurance.

    Yipes! Who let that soap-box in here?

  6. How about an executive order, followed by citizen pushback requiring all 535 to get their medical care from the VA, and ONLY the VA…
    I will say this , DC has more lamp posts than there are politicans

  7. Rev- Sadly, agreed…

    CP- I’m not sure there are any ‘real’ reporters left that actually know how to do that.

    TxRed- Yes, that! Exactly!!!

    Jesse- Concur, but I’ve seen how DC works, don’t think the lamppost would hold a hanging congresscritter without falling over… sigh

    • I know for a fact that some DC lampposts will hold at lease 235 lbs.
      Yes, the statute of limitations has run out.
      No, I’m not going to tell on a public forum.

      I know for a fact some Congresscritters are physical cowards and can be “motivated.”

  8. There are several things that need to be un-f#+ked in the health care/health insurance rodeo. I’m 57 and I just learned about health insurance “regions”. I get my home insurance from some company in North Carolina and I live in Alaska. Why is health insurance less competitive? And why do hospitals get away with hiding the cost of services? Health care and health insurance are products why are they treated differently from cars or any other product?

  9. My late grandfather pointed out that while a mule will eat a bunch of carrots, you only need one stick. Maybe it’s time to use the stick, fire the lot of them and start over. Term limits would be a good start, and everyone is in favor of it, for YOUR elected representatives, but not so much their own.

    This is really a self-inflicted injury, and while I hate to see anyone bleeding, if they shoot themselves in the foot, it’s really hard to be sympathetic. Someone has opined that an American will cross the sea to defend democracy, but won’t cross the street to vote. Lotta truth in that!

    Not sure what the answer is, but I really hope we can come up with a better one than the obvious; i.e., “Rope, tree, politician. Some assembly required.”

  10. JFM- Just a ‘guess’ but I think part of that ‘hiding’ goes back to the start of the HMOs… $12 for a $0.14 cent Tylenol was one of the early cases I remember. Re the location, I’m ‘guessing’ again, that’s the home office of the company.

    RS- Sadly, I can’t disagree with a damn thing you said…

  11. AS someone who works in the health care industry, and has since 1976, I have seen multiple variations on the Health Maintenance Organization model, and they have ALL failed. Spectacularly! On 3 separate occasions, I lost my job as a nurse as a result of the organization going bankrupt.

    So, I am most likely not the most unbiased person in the world to be standing over here yelling “Repeal that stupid bill!!” Don’t rewrite it!! Repeal it and turn the capitalist system lose on the health care industry again. Get .gov out of it!!” As examples of how thoroughly .gov can screw up see exhibits 1 and 2, otherwise known as the VA and Medicaid. Got talk with folks who have to use those “health care systems” and how little health care they can get. Go talk to the physicians, and nurses, who have to work over, under, around and through all the red tape to get the patient what they need to be taken care of.

    All these libber-types like to make a big deal of living on $3 a day to show how in touch they are…They need to go live on the current health care system. It’s not doable! And I can live on a grocery budget of under $3/day!

    I never thought as a professional nurse, I would ever not have health insurance from work. Because I work part-time, usually 25-30 hours/week. I had it prior to Obamacare passing. Now, I have joined a health sharing program to cover any major expenses as the health insurance I was paying for out of my own pocket jumped in price over $125/month to $575 for monthly premiums with a deductible of $6500. It is cheaper for me to pay out of pocket for my annual physical, my mammogram, and meds AND pay the IRS penalty than it was to buy health insurance.

    I am blessed to have a solid knowledge of medical care, what really is an emergency, and how to control costs. That is why I like listening to this medical doctor from Wichita KS from Atlas MD who is promoting concierge medical care. Wish there was a practice like this in western MI. I’d go there in a heartbeat.

    As far as the media, and lack of journalistic ethics…they are going to reap what they have sown, and it won’t be pretty. Further more, they are too chicken-livered to step up, say “we screwed up” and dial it back because of all the snowflakes they created would pitch a major tantrum.

    Kicking the soap-box to TXRed. And agree with Retired Spook.

  12. Think we all know Abraham Lincoln’s famous quote, …all the people…” If he was alive today he would probably add something about angering all the people.

    I’m afraid the millenniums are going to get a taste of what us old farts lived through in the 60’s and 70’s, Civil Rights, Vietnam War protests, Weathermen, OK City, etc. Will be accelerated by today’s instant information/disinformation via the internet and social media. One example is flash mobs.

    I’m not smart enough to offer instant solutions but will offer some advice. Watch you back!

  13. All your comments are good but I think we are being distracted by the healthcare issue. There is a bigger problem going on and it is the subversion of our country. Look at the means and methods being used to move the country from capitalism to Socialism.

    Politicians made DC the fastest growing in the nation because the lobbyist corrupted them and the media. Crony capitalism and corruption rule in our elections, entertainment, education, religion and our culture.

    At the present time, the establishment is all-in, silent coup on our duly elected president by media, Democrats, Republicans, Hollywood, immigrants and various hostile countries. We are living in interesting times, indeed.

    On Jan. 17, 1961, President Dwight Eisenhower gave the nation a dire warning about what he described as a threat to democratic government. He called it the military-industrial complex, a formidable union of defense contractors and the armed forces.

    I remember a radio commentator Paul Harvey’s prophetic warning to America from a 1965 Radio broadcast. He was right, God is no longer in our schools and we are becoming the owners of the worlds biggest holocaust by killing children before birth. You can hear this and more at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34SCTTsxJ4Q

    BTW, I have a single payer healthcare policy, the VA. If you trust your government to give you healthcare then don’t be surprised when they take it away from you.

    If we are to overcome this assault on the greatest country to ever grace the planet, we are going to have to have a divine intervention but we need more to bring God back into our lives.

    “And now, you know the rest of the story.”

    God bless America.

  14. WSF- Understand and agreed… sigh

    Victor- Thank you for pointing that out. You are absolutely correct… dammit