Did I mention…

How MUCH I hate editing???

Gah… the, they, that, then. A, an, and, any…

I ‘know’ I’m not ‘that’ bad a typist… And yes, I actually DID read it before I sent it to the alpha readers. So I read right over the errors I make.

I’m so thankful to those folks who voluntarily read my scribblings and patiently (at least most of the time), correct my faux pas, spelling errors, and basic idiocy… But really folks… Using Google maps to check up on me? Sigh.

I ‘know’ what I meant to say, and I ‘know’ what the character is supposed to do. However, I don’t always communicate that in a readable fashion, nor do I necessarily ‘explain’ it well enough…


And it seems some folks don’t like the epilogue, so I’m fixing that too.

Back to the salt mine… Looking at a March release date, ‘maybe’ a little earlier.


Did I mention… — 16 Comments

  1. Mom used to transcribe math and science books into Braille. I was drafted to help with the editing. Used to take a ruler and go line by line to be sure that every word was correct, that the math formulas and word problems said what they were supposed to say. (She would read the braille to me, I was looking at the print.)
    Tables of contents and the index were my personal hatreds.

    When I was in High School and was editing the school newspaper, and again in college, when I earned pin money by typing papers for other folks, I would be reading along and go “Wait! What? No, that isn’t whacha really mean, is it?”
    I went to a small college that was big in the soccer world, and wound up having one soccer player dictate to me as it was easier then then trying to read his hen-scratch.

    Reading it out loud helps to slow down the eyeballs enough so that many of the errors will jump out.

    Waiting patiently…:)

  2. Oh I am right there with ya! This is my 3rd time at the editors desk…hoping the last time. Yes, I did read before submitting! ha ha…apparently it has been awhile since I was in English class!!

  3. Things could have been worse. You could have gotten me as a proof-reader.

    A girlfriend once used a letter to me as a typing exercise. I graded it (using the Standard English Usage Manual from our high school) and returned it to her. She just barely passed.

  4. Suz- Wow, I cannot imagine how time consuming that was…

    Mary- Ouch!

    Home- Yeah, my roof-preading sucks…

  5. I was told by a professor in college that the worst person to proof read any paper is he author because the brain, knowing what was meant to be said will ride right over an error. You are lucky to have good volunteers to do he checking for you. Hurry up and finish, I’m not getting any younger, ya know.

  6. That’s one of the things friends are for…
    to keep us from making complete idiots of ourselves,
    or join us in doing so…

  7. An acquaintance of my youth told me he couldn’t proofread anything he wrote until a week had passed.

  8. I can’t proofread on screen at all well. I do much better on hard copy, reading aloud.

    • Second the motion! I find so much more when it’s on paper.

  9. CP- Gettin’ there… 🙂

    Brig- Yep! on BOTH counts!!!

    Fritz- Who, me? 🙂

    Sam- More like a month for me… sigh

    Rick- I hadn’t tried that, thanks!

  10. I was informed today that a friend of mine shut down a newspaper he owned because the strain on his wife of editing it was too demanding.
    I don’t have that problem, but she is a perfectionist.

  11. “But really folks… Using Google maps to check up on me? Sigh.”

    You say that like it is a bad thing.

  12. Ed- Ouch…

    Miguel- I’ll just say there was MORE than one person that did that… 😀

  13. My problem is that I hear what I want to say in my head but not all the words end up on the screen.

    The “articles​” of grammar just don’t seem to make it a good portion of the time.

    Well, breaks over NFO. Back on your head. 😀

  14. I just finished rereading the Grey Man books. Even with all of your proof reading/editing there still several errors which cause me to stop and go over a sentence once or twice. Granted, you end up with far fewer than an lot of authors whom I read. One thing that needs to be checked is continuity. In the first two books, John Cronin’s dog is named Rex, but in the beginning of book 4 you refer to him as Sam. Small things, but …….

    I would be happy to be one of your alphs readers. I don’t like to offer critics without helping with the solution.