MSM lies…

Soooo… The WAPO decides to weigh in on the gun ban with the old saw about Australian gun control…

The headline reads:

As U.S. gun debate rages on, Australians hand in 57,000 firearms, and Norway is set for a broad ban

Snippet- In Australia, authorities revealed that citizens had handed over 57,000 illegal firearms between July and September last year during a gun amnesty. In total, more than 35,000 rifles and more than 12,000 shotguns were turned in, among other firearms.

Full article, HERE.

Seems pretty straight forward, right? Ehhh… Not so much…

Reason has the backstory. Or should I say ‘the rest of the story’.

Given the context the Post itself provides—that the U.S. gun debate is now largely about semi-automatic rifles—it’s worth noting that, according to the actual “National Firearms Amnesty 2017” report, only 2,417 were semi-automatic weapons, a far smaller number in this “amnesty” than air rifles, accounting for 4,816. (The report says 162 of the “guns” handed in were “imitation.”)

Full article, HERE.

The other ‘interesting’ thing is that neither Australia or Norway have anything like a Second Amendment. So a small group of activists and lawmakers rammed through a set of laws that changed an entire culture in Australia (but they still own guns, and still hunt and target shoot); and potentially want to do the same thing in Norway.

And Australia STILL has a significant issue with illegal weapons, with thousands of them seized every year. They are either home made (e.g. Sten machine guns), or smuggled in from Indonesia.



MSM lies… — 14 Comments

  1. I rather think that what they do in Australia and Norway is properly treated as perhaps interesting but certainly irrelevant trivia, rather than a (expletive deleted) mandate that we must (expletive deleted) follow.

    I’m just going to ignore the carpings of the fancy-pants has-been influence brokers. When they appear at my door, I will gladly accommodate them by handing over some of my bullets , but they will never appear at my door. I had the great good fortune to be born and reside in Georgia, and we don’t hold with no baloney here. Ask Delta, who just lost a tax break because of their stance on the NRA.

  2. I understand that in Australia, as in Connecticut, there has been a great deal of non-compliance.

    • Just like in Brazil, Australian gangs now make their own submachine guns. Mostly MAC-alikes, though I’ve seen pictures of what are apparently homegrown designs.

      Accurate long range firearms take a lot of work, but bullet hoses are easy.

  3. Hey Old NFO;

    Yep, it is the MSM…and they lie like a cheap rug if it will further their agenda. SJW’s lie…it is what they do.

  4. The one thing that always seems to escape these comparitive stories is that all these countries that the MSM and gun control crowd like to compare us to were or are monarchies with a governing parliament. The people are subjects, not citizens.
    That makes all the difference in the world. I can’t really think of any other country in the world where it is the right of the people to change or remove a tyrannical government, by force if necessary, written in to the founding documents of that country and protected as an inalienable right.
    And we know why they want that right taken away by whatever means possible.

    • Well, I do, for one – but that’s because I LIVE here.

      Don’t EVER take anything the media says about Australian gun laws as true.

      Also, keep in mind that Australia has basically never had the concept of firearms ownership or possession for self-defence.

      In fact, the firearms laws require demonstrating “a good reason” in order to be given permission to buy (and register) each firearm, and the law SPECIFICALLY SAYS that “self-defence will never be accepted as a good reason”.

      All those statistics that are bandied about as to how violent crime has rocketed upwards since the “buyback”, and that imply that it is because the general public can no longer defend themselves with firearms, are BULLSHIT.

      Even if violent crime HAS increased, the public couldn’t lawfully carry or use guns for defence BEFORE the “buyback” – and nothing has changed in that quarter.

  5. Pat- Concur!

    Jim- Oh yes… Especially in the outback!

    Bob- Agreed!

    Ray- That’s an element they NEVER bother pointing out. Of course the Dems DO consider us ‘subjects’…

    WSF/LL- Hell yes, agreed!

  6. For a long time here in Virginia, we had neighbors who were rabidly anti-gun.

    Until the day came that they heard a strange noise in their carport and wanted my husband to check out the noise because they knew that my husband and I were strongly 2nd Amendment folks.

    “Why didn’t your neighbors call the police?” you ask.

    I say: “Because back then nobody called the police when they heard a strange noise in their yard.”

    Besides, it takes the police 10-30 minutes to show up here — and those time margins are on the best days. Often, the police don’t show up for over and hour — and we live in the hub of the universe on a main artery and less that 15 minutes away from the police station.