Quicky road trip…

So you get pictures!

BIG sky…


And that’s all folks…


Quicky road trip… — 13 Comments

    • Interestingly, the image itself is in proper orientation, which you can see if you right-click it in Chrome and choose “Open image in new tab,” but not if you simply browse to the blog or click on the image. Maybe WordPress is being more psychotic than normal.

  1. I miss west Texas. That sky went from horizon to horizon with no interruptions. The red sunsets and stars like dust in the sky…. Great childhood memories….

    • Especially during road construction season, which seems destined to last from Jan 2 to Dec 32 this year. 😉

      Kids: “Are we there yet?”
      Adults: “Aren’t they done yet?”

  2. This post is so profound it has me looking at the world from a whole different angle.

  3. I traveled that lovely country back in the mid 60’s. We had a KC-135 Flight Simulator on a railcar & I traveled from Roswell to Amarillo, to Wichita Falls, to Abilene, to Altus. We were paid to drive our own vehicles & stay 30 days per stop. The pay was exceedingly poor back then but the scenery was lovely to a your Airman from Virginia. We did, on occasion, have to dodge a Tornado !!!

  4. Hey Old NFO;

    Very nice Pics, although one was sideways….but you were probably dodging a tornado or a windstorm or something.
    We will hang around until your return.

  5. All- Thanks, and it looked FINE when I loaded it last night… sigh… And yes, it IS big sky country. We were watching weather build from 160 miles away, and got treated to an hour and a half of horizon to horizon lightning Friday night as we drove into the weather.

    Posted from my iPhone.