One to think about…

Our ancestors are spinning at high RPM at what is going on today.

I saw this yesterday, and it really hit home, especially where we are in this country today.  Take a moment and read it, please. It was written in the late 1940s and is on a monument to the WWII dead. Note that it doesn’t specify male, female, asian, black, white, hispanic, christian, jewish, or atheist.

That last paragraph really got my attention. We’re nowhere close to that, and on a slippery slope heading in the wrong direction, IMHO.

Your thoughts?



One to think about… — 11 Comments

  1. Back then (70 years ago), Americans were assumed to be white Christians, and soldiers were assumed to be men. Those assumptions are still true today, even if the demographics of who physically resides within our borders has changed.

  2. Even a casual reading of the Old Testament shows the Jewish people drifting away from the one, true God many, many times. A small remnant remained faithful. Bad things would happen.
    At the end of the trials the remnant remained, like a gold ring after a pile of chaff burned off.

    Why should our Nation be more blessed than the Jewish nation?

    Remain faithful to what you know to be true. Try to teach you children and grandchildren. Teach those who question. Remain humble.

  3. If the ‘Silent Majority’ remains so, we might just slip into it. I see indoctorination for what men are supposed to be (metrosexual). Saw a commercial for skin care for MEN – WTH ? My Grandfather has to be spinning and doing back flips by now …

    No guns – no knives – no meat. Watch what you eat. Don’t repair – replace. Violence is never a solution to conflict.

    Not the world I grew up in. Not by a long shot.

      • X2

        Peace and prosperity is never really that good of a friend. Look at the peace and prosperity that President Trump brought and how much half of the nation hates it. They want collectivism and to make America into Venezuela or North Korea.

  4. I was a lot more hopeful that we might be making some progress towards the sentiments of that sign 50 and 40 years ago than I am now. We have lost, as a nation, so much ground under the previous administration and the divisive tactics of certain groups and parties, I’m not so hopeful now. Maybe it’s just because I’m an old fart…

  5. I have a feeling that the shoe, or hammer, is about to fall on the good old USofA and, boy, will the liberals cry then.

  6. I think the only thing that is keeping the US of A from being a third world country is the “noble and devoted Americans”, the ones that really care haven’t forgotten the sacrifices of the “Greatest Generation”. The problem is, those folks (us) are getting older, and are becoming a smaller percentage of the population daily.
    We need to stand up, show others it is ok to grow a spine and tell folks “no” and make it stick. One reason the current level of hyperbole has gotten so ridiculously high, in my opinion, is no one ever (except Trump) ever calls BS on it. The most recent example is what Kavanagh, and his family, are being put through.

    There is a serious lack of discipline in many parts of the country, one reason is there are fewer folks going into the military. Schools certainly don’t teach or model it anymore.

    Another is, we as Americans have not had to sacrifice ANYTHING since the end of WWII. Our entire culture is about gratification of every whim and wish, no matter how stupid or fantastical. The bottom line is what we have sown, we are now reaping as a country. LL is correct. As individuals, and as a country, we value things more if we have to work for them. You get that sense of accomplishment…hey! look what I did!!…and take pride in that accomplishment.

    We need to somehow re-indoctrinate an entire generation that being handed your heart’s desire is not a good thing, not if you are 2 and not if you are 32, or older. Those of us who have worked hard, and earned our way to success, who have been responsible with our finances, with raising our children who are successful and positive contributors to our country need to make sure we speak up and let DC know we are not always a “Silent Majority”. Only then will our ancestors stop spinning.

  7. All- Can’t disagree with anyone. And yes, Kevin nails it in that uber post!

    Posted from my iPhone.