

Go read the folks on the sidebar, I’ll be over here watching the whale go by…

But I DO have a question…

And a comment…



Random…. — 9 Comments

  1. 2.5 words: interglacial period
    I’m grateful for that. I don’t like the cold.

  2. I guess I got that wrong. I thought I was supposed to be the reason they couldn’t sleep at night…..have a great day!

  3. JMI- I think that is probably part of it…


    NRW- ROTF…

    TOS- I’ve been following Dr. Zharkova’s work and I think it’s dead on because HER model actually agrees with the real data…

  4. While they are at it maybe they could explain why the pass Hanible used to invade Rome with his his elephants is now ice choked and impassable.

  5. Excellent “random” and I’m no expert but, predictably, think a comet or meteor hit the ice or exploded above it, causing the meltdown. Perhaps from as far away as Greenland(?).

    It was certainly a catastrophic flood.

    Let’s hope the “sealed indictments” have the same kind of effect on the still to be drained swamp.