Rimworld update…

Rimworld- Militia Up is now available in paperback!!!

Click the cover to go directly to it!

Finally… sigh… Had some issues with Amazon over the cover sizing and petty BS, but it’s all fixed now, thanks to a damn good tech that took responsibility and helped get the issues sorted!

I’ve also reissued the Kindle version, correcting some errors my readers have found. I truly appreciate your willingness to help me get it right, and that is once again proof that regardless of how many eyes go over the book, things still get missed…

I would appreciate your honest reviews if you have time, as always trying to get to those 50 and 100 review markers, which then allows more free advertising and gets the novel out to a wider audience.

Now back to work on the other three books in the cue, muse dependent of course… LOL


Rimworld update… — 7 Comments

  1. Argh the homonyms strike again.
    A cue is for actors or snooker balls. A queue is for books and theaters.

    Sorry, just can’t seem to stop myself.

  2. Hey Old NFO

    Lemme know when you are ready for the signed version, so I can get one copy sent to my brother.

  3. I did a review as soon as I finished it. I apologize for reading it on the read for free amazon list but my retirement budget is limited. Great story, so the western promises to be! Also waiting for the next Grey Man.

  4. Frank- Dammit… I’m sorry… I just @#%^# screw that up every time…

    Bob- End of the month

    Hammer- No problem. Glad you liked it!

    LSP- Thank you!