Rube Goldberg’s Grandkids…

Some talented kids with WAY too much time on their hands…

And you’ve got to give Coke credit for letting them have a go at it…

h/t JP


Rube Goldberg’s Grandkids… — 10 Comments

  1. Excellently done. Now all they need to do is finish college, so they can sell burgers & fries to go with the Coke. :^)

    (Sorry, just read Borepatch’s post on out-of-work grads.)

  2. Great job, but can those engineers tie their shoes? They live in a world of their own…this coming from a numbers cruncher accountant. And I wear sneakers with Velcro straps, thank you very much.

  3. Suz- it was!

    BZ- Feel free!

    Rev- Yeah, there IS that little issue…

    CP- Of course not… And yes they ARE in their own little world…

    Andy- 🙂

    WSF- You’re welcome!