Memorial Weekend…

My cousin sent me this, she wrote it for a class she’s taking, she’s about 15 years younger than I am…

As I sit here tonight listening to a show on TV and working on my latest assignment, I realize that Memorial Day weekend is quickly approaching and celebrating the “Greatest Generation” is highlighted everywhere.

The younger people might ask you, isn’t this the greatest generation? I say no way. We all like to think we are but we are not, as a boomer, I am a product of the greatest generation. We still appreciate what their lives were like.

For most of us it was our grandparents’ generation, some of our parents. All of us benefited from this terrible World War. I am not here for a new history lesson. You should already know it. Hate fueled the world then until it just took over and grabbed hold to squeeze until you either conformed to what was dictated or you died. I grew up hearing the stories that my maternal grandfather shared with his three daughters. He was in the Canadian Royal Airforce, and I understood that he photographed all he could when he was in Europe. The photographs were so graphic that it was not until I was in 8th or 9th grade before those photographs could be shared with us, the next generation. So, graphic that it would give you nightmares until you really understood the gravity of the stories that went with those photographs. Those are the stories that have been part of my history, these photos making it so real. These Photographs have been donated to The Holocaust Museum in Houston; they really did not belong to us. They belong to all those they represented. I am grateful my grandfather took the time to take them, to teach us hate has no place in our society or our lives.

Moving forward to today, watching the news (and it does not matter what news you watch) hate is being spread by the media. I believe that most of us are peaceful and respectful of each other. By allowing this slow spread of hate to brew underneath the surface of our communities we will repeat the sins of the past in the present and future. I say it just needs to stop.

Stop and say hello to your neighbor out on your morning walk.

Stop and say hello to your grocery store worker or the worker at the big box store.

Stop and visit a nursing home and see someone that never gets a visitor.

Stop and volunteer at the local school in your neighborhood.

Stop and volunteer at the library or at a shelter.

Stop the hate.

Stop the hate creeping back now. Stop the hate that started this roll back because we became complacent and self-centered and could not be bothered. All this hate did not just start over night, and it will take more than over night to fix it.

So here is your challenge. When will you stop and make a difference? Do I believe this will make a difference? Well it will not unless you at least make the effort to make the change and meet the challenge.

I have to say I pretty much agree with her. What we have today is NOT what I spent over 20 years defending/protecting! Get out and ‘see’ what and whom are around you. Forting up in your house doesn’t do you or anyone else any good!!!


Memorial Weekend… — 11 Comments

  1. While national events get lots of attention, what happens locally has more impact.
    We CAN affect that by community involvement.
    If enough people affect their local communities, it has national impact.

  2. Rode with 260 bikes yesterday to escort the remains of seven veterans from Bremerton, WA to Tahoma National Cemetery. Service prior to the ride, service at the cemetery. It was uplifting.

    We also celebrated the life of one of our members who was a part of the seven. His biker family smuggled in a bottle of Bulleit bourbon into his hospital room and gave him a bit on a sponge. They said the look on his face when he realized what was on the sponge was priceless and they had to pry the sponge out of his mouth. Yesterday we said our final goodbye by passing the bottle around after the ceremony. He will be missed.

  3. One of the kids in my school, his father was a famous war photographer. He brought in photos for class one day (I think we were in the 9th grade). Combat photos, dead bodies of soldiers, prison camp photos, mass graves, etc. These were the original photos he’d developed himself, in the field. They were about 30 year old B&Ws.
    Nowadays you’d probably be suspended for that. And no way would the teacher have been the one to ask you to bring them in.
    Then again, more than a few of the teachers were also War vets.

    • I was on my way outside to poo on the punji sticks…and now you want me to fill in the pits?

  4. That which we spent our lives defending is gone. It was destroyed by traitors from within. Our posterity have been demoralized and maleducated into despising themselves and their native culture. Our nation has been overwhelmed by over 100 million immigrants and invaders who have no intention of blending into our society. Our once-great industries have been shuttered and sold for scrap.

    I will not be lukewarm. I will retain both my hate of my enemies and my love of my people.

  5. John- Probably…

    LL- Nope, fortify as required. Self protection is STILL a prerogative.

    McC- Agree.

  6. I live in a very rural area of road system Alaska. We have a lot of people who help each other. Lots of people home school their kids to avoid some of the indoctrination as well as long bus rides now the legislature is trying to restrict funding for home school programs as far as fortifying any group who were causing a threat would be surprised at the community response.

  7. Embrace the hate of what threatens what you love.

    Our existence is threatened, start acting like it.