On the road again…

Well, I’m out in Salt Lake City for Writer’s Cantina for a few days. Lousy flight out, we ‘bounced’ all the way from DFW… but I met up with Jonna and Mike at the airport and gave them a ride to their B&B.

I came back to the hot took a pain pill, and watched the debate.

I should’ve taken something a lot stronger… Sigh that was absolutely pathetic! If anybody believes that Biden is capable of serving as the president of United States, his actions or lack there of last night should, should disabuse them of that belief.

Anyhoo, more fun and better things to do today, at this little con! Good folks, and I expect some excellent panels on the business of writing!


On the road again… — 11 Comments

  1. Hey Old NFO;

    WHat I’m concerned is that Xiden croaks before November and Harris gets by default, and if President Trump attacks anything of Xiden, he is pilloried for attacking a dead president, and Harris or who the donks select will win in a landslide due to sympathy votes. Tell me I’m wrong…I hope I am, but I fear I’m not because of the political machine and legacy media being all in the tank for the Donks.

  2. Safe travels, J.L.! I hope you enjoy some cooler weather than we’re expecting here in TX this weekend.

    I think it’s no coincidence that the “debate” was held before the Democrats’ convention. I expect the DNC version of “Night of the Long Knives” has already started and will go on until Zhao Bai Den and some of his key people have quit or been forced out.


  3. Ah, SLC!

    I enjoyed it, a few years back. There’s more catholics there than Mormons, apparently, which is encouraging to me.

    Anyway, have fun.

  4. Replacing BaiDen will be difficult, because several states have already closed their dates to name a candidate, and the Ds held a “virtual Convention” to name BaiDen as their candidate to beat the deadline to get on the ballot in Ohio. If they waited for Chicago, there would be no D candidate on Ohios’ ballots.
    I am sure that they will find a way to do it, as they did for Torricelli. Doesn’t matter if it’s legal, they’re DemonRats.
    My guess is that the Chicago Convention will name Big Mike for the job. SPIT !!
    That is, if anyone there survives the riots. 🙂

  5. There is ABSOLUTELY NO doubt in my mind that the Communist-in-Chief, former President Barack Hussein Obama, was the single individual who initiated the disastrous decline in America with his Marxist revolutionary agenda and the implementation of racial and intersectional division of the American people., AND WHO IS THE PUPPET PULLING THE STRINGS of the Current NUMB-NUTS JOSEPH ROBINETTE BIDEN!

    Barrack Hassan Obama was the one that oversaw the weaponization of our intelligence and law enforcement agencies that openly spied on Americans, mounted a covert attack on a presidential candidate, Donald Trump, and orchestrated the clandestine resistance to Trump’s presidential agenda.
    He was knowingly complicit in the illegal machinations of Vice President Joseph Biden and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
    Only one person can confront Joe Biden and convince him to drop out of the presidential race, and that person is Barack Obama who still draws the adoring crowds of Democrats wherever he goes. He’s the most popular living Democrat at this time , and despite rumors of friction between the former president and Barrack Obama, Biden still respects and admires his former boss Barrack. . Obama is said to call Biden frequently to discuss politics and policy.

    If any Democrat could metaphorically grab the delusional Joey Biden by the shoulders and shake him until he emerges from his Dream, or should I say “Fantasy” that the race is still winnable, it’s Barack Obama. Other than doing that, this election race is OVER!
    Unfortunately, the Progressive Communist Democrats decided to run this “ Pathetic Sock-Puppet” this “Manchurian Candidate” so that Obama could rule from behind using his malicious Sock Puppet as surrogates, choosing another unthreatening intersectional Vice Presidential choice like Kamala Harris. But that might be going to far in the wrong direction. But if Biden would decide to either step down or can’t continue, then with the 25th Amendment Kamala becomes President and runs for President in November. If they go brokered convention, then Biden has to release his delegates and then the delegates can vote for whoever they want. Those are the only two options the Democrats have. And come to think of it, that might be EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE UP TO NOW. And that might explain the disastrous performance given at the debate

  6. There’s ANOTHER Browning museum? If we get there on a trip, will definitely make a stop.

    I toured the small arms museum at Rock Island Arsenal some years back, which seemed to be the Browning Wing and some other luminaries.

  7. Or maybe they could get a group of the inner circle to tell him: “Joe, this IS your second term! Thank you for the awesome job! You deserve a vacation after 8 years’ service as President.” (H/T to Adam Carolla)

    Unfortunately, Jill–who masquerades as a “doctor”–would never go along with it! I think she’d rather see him die in office than give up her status as First Lady in January. We’re watching elder abuse. Brandon should be in a memory care facility, and everyone knows it.

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