It’s really interesting to read various Web Logs (blogs) and see the assumptions the writers make that everyone knows exactly what the author means…
Also, the creation of words and acronyms to make things easier… yeah, right…
Just a random sample, but I wonder why the medical community worries about Unix Editors (ED) or Erectile Dysfunction (ED) (now who the hell made up dysfunction???)…
Or Cockpit Control displays and Charged Coupled Devices (CCD)…
Or El Monte Airport (EMT)…
And police websites that worry about Low Earth Orbit satellites (LEOs)…
And accountants that worry about Closest Point of Approach (CPA)…
Now granted we in the Military have one or two acronyms of our own… mostly due to having to communicate with Morse Code and/or signal flags, but it is sometimes funny what happens…
One of the best stories is LBJ’s (Lyndon Baines Johnson’s) introduction of the Blackbird when it was made public, it was originally known as the RS-71 (Reconnaissance (R) Fixed Wing (S) -71) within the Air Force. However, LBJ mis-pronounced the designator as the SR-71. The Air Farce, rather than correct the President, changed the designator and re-published all the documents.
Sometimes I’ll read a post, get a brain hiccup when the acronym doesn’t compute, and then have to go digging to figure out what the poster really meant. Oh yeah, the definitions above are:
Medical- ED- Emergency Department (used to be ER for Emergency Room)
CCD- Critical Care Doctor
EMT- Emergency Medical Tech
Law Enforcement- LEO- Law Enforcement Officer
Accountants- CPA- Certified Public Accountant
I’m gonna go back to my corner with my USNA and figure out what happens when a DD and FFG can’t work with the MC on the MPA to get their act together on UNITAS…
ok. stop that. I have no idea what those mean!!! LOL
hehehe- I know how you feel, Don’t ya just love it when 10 minutes later you mind goes.. Huh? What did I just read…
thanks for stopping by.
You know what you have there. .
too many TLA’s.
(three letter acroymns.)
Loved the post. . thanks for making me smile.
Your welcome Skywriter!