Random Airport Observations…

Well, the Christmas travel is over, and I survived the trip…

However, I did get to spend a ‘little’ extra time sitting at the airport waiting for an airplane to show up (Like 7 hours)…

Soooo, random observations:

Why oh why do people think it is so cool to bring their dogs, especially the small yappy ones, in their cars? When the owners get out to help the family member leaving, there goes the little mutt, out in traffic, damn near causes a wreck because the idjit owner tries to chase it…

Then there was the lady with the cat hidden in her purse- A guy brings a large Black Lab in to put it in the crate; dog smells cat, pulls away from owner, barges through the line to the handbag with the cat and barks. Cat proceeds to come straight up out of the bag, run across numerous people, closely pursued by dog, pandemonium ensues! The cat finally landed on top of the reservations counter, the Lab was up on the counter with his front legs, and both owners were yelling at each other (and I couldn’t get to my damn camera)!

There was also a sleazy boyfriend, dropped off the girlfriend; kisses hugs, promise of undying love, she hadn’t even cleared the doors, and he was on his cell phone, “Hi honey, I just dropped my cousin off, can I come pick you up now?” This was at 0600.

There was the obligatory Bleach Blonde Bimbo (BBB), she of the pneumatic chest and pneumatic hair and other body parts… There were about 10-12 people in line, she walks to the front of the line and tells the lady, “I just HAVE to make the 0800 flight (it was about 0745); so you need to help me first.”

Of course the rest of the line went off, along with the CSR, who politely told her she had to get in line and wait her turn. Of course, BBB immediately threw a hissy fit, screaming at the CSR and calling everyone in line the B-word according to sex…

When the deputy showed up, the BBB claimed she was wronged, the CSR cussed her out and wouldn’t help her, etc. Numerous people still in line were calling BS, and told the deputy what really happened.

The Thousands Standing Around (TSA) were being their usual obnoxious selves, SSSS’ing an 86 year old lady for extra security checks, because she only had a expired passport for ID, since she no longer drives. Obvious security concern…

Another one was telling a Soldier in uniform that he had to take off boots, belt, BDU top, etc. to get through the machine, and that his pack would have to be searched, because they ‘thought’ there might be some liquids in it. Another obvious security concern…

Finally got through the gauntlet, TSA was still tearing the Soldier’s pack apart, and trying to tell him that it was too big and he would have to go check it. I saw him later, so he did finally get through, but I’m pretty sure he missed his flight.

Sooo… get to the gate, and no airplane, and one not expected for one, then two, then four hours. WX hold and crewing issues because of DIA and ORD tied the system in knots.

A nice little old lady was sitting near me, and her phone would ring about every 15-20 minutes. Turns out her son was calling to see if she had left, and wanting to know if she wanted him to come back and sit with her. She got pretty annoyed at one point, and told him she was ONLY 90 and could take care of herself!

Bravo to her! I hope I’m that feisty, hell I just hope I MAKE 90…

Anyway, we FINALLY got a bird and off we went. Many more stories, but since this a ‘family’ type blog, I will refrain from commenting…


Random Airport Observations… — 6 Comments

  1. People watching can be really educational, eh?

    I’m so sick of soldiers and older folks getting hassled at the airports.

    Glad you made it to and fro in one piece.

  2. Oh yeah! More than one would believe… I’m firmly convinced there are sterotypes, because there REALLY are people who are like that!!!!

  3. airport observations is a good observation also let me tell you that the security in airports have to be heavy after 9/11 this terrible day .