In email and on some blogs, some folks are coming out with GOOD things our troops are doing… I made a comment on one blog about the number of Navy Crosses that have been given out during the Global War on Terror (GWOT).
I got a response that there could not have been 22 given out, we would have heard…
Yeah, right… Unless you are plugged into the DOD or military nets, you didn’t know.
Sooo… I am going to put up all the citations in honor of not only those who have received the Navy Cross, but all those who have served and died for our country.
The President of the United StatesTakes Pleasure in PresentingThe Navy CrossTo
(Unidentified Navy SEAL)Chief Petty Officer, United States NavyFor Services as Set Forth in the Following
Citation:For extraordinary heroism while serving with the British Special Boat Service during combat operations in Northern Afghanistan on 25 and 26 November 2001. Chief Petty Officer **** deployed to the area as a member of a Joint American and British Special Forces Rescue Team to locate and recover two missing American citizens, one presumed to be seriously injured or dead, after hard-line Al Qaeda and Taliban prisoners at the Quala-I-Jangi fortress in Mazar-e-Sharif over powered them and gained access to large quantities of arms and ammunition stored at the fortress. Once inside, Chief Petty Officer **** was engaged continuously by direct small arms fire, indirect mortar fire and rocket propelled grenade fire. He was forced to walk through an active anti-personnel minefield in order to gain entry to the fortress. After establishing the possible location of both American citizens, under heavy fire and without concern for his own personal safety, he made two attempts to rescue the uninjured citizen by crawling toward the fortress interior to reach him. Forced to withdraw due to large volumes of fire falling on his position, he was undeterred. After reporting his efforts to the remaining members of the rescue team, they left and attempted to locate the missing citizen on the outside of the fortress. As darkness began to fall, no attempt was going to be made to locate the other injured American citizen. Chief Petty Officer **** then took matters into his own hands. Without regard for his own personal safety, he moved forward another 300-400 meters into the heart of the fortress by himself under constant enemy fire in an attempt to locate the injured citizen. Running low on ammunition, he utilized weapons from deceased Afghans to continue his rescue attempt. Upon verifying the condition and location of the American citizen, he withdrew from the fortress. By his outstanding display of decisive leadership, unlimited courage in the face of enemy fire, and utmost devotion to duty, Chief Petty Officer **** reflected great credit upon himself and upheld the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.
Courtesy of
Thank you for posting good stuff! 🙂
Thank-You for helping honor our Hero’s.
Great stuff! A real American hero.
“Unlimited Courage” Awesome.
You rock NFO!
It’s the least I can do… Since I have ‘access’ most people don’t have.
Thank you for what you are doing.
Thanks USA-Admiral… It is the least I can do, since they won’t let me back over there… dammit…