Something Different #5

This one you may actually have heard about… It was the only one that got any MSM coverage. It was also the first one actually released.
The President of the United States
Takes Pleasure in Presenting
The Navy Cross
Brian R. Chontosh
First Lieutenant, United States Marine Corps
For Services as Set Forth in the Following

Citation:For extraordinary heroism as Combined Anti-Armor Platoon Commander, Weapons Company, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM on 25 March 2003. While leading his platoon north on Highway I toward Ad Diwaniyah, First Lieutenant Chontosh’s platoon moved into a coordinated ambush of mortars, rocket propelled grenades, and automatic weapons fire. With coalition tanks blocking the road ahead, he realized his platoon was caught in a kill zone. He had his driver move the vehicle through a breach along his flank, where he was immediately taken under fire from an entrenched machine gun. Without hesitation, First Lieutenant Chontosh ordered the driver to advance directly at the enemy position enabling his .50 caliber machine gunner to silence the enemy. He then directed his driver into the enemy trench, where he exited his vehicle and began to clear the trench with an M16A2 service rifle and 9 millimeter pistol. His ammunition depleted, First Lieutenant Chontosh, with complete disregard for his safety, twice picked up discarded enemy rifles and continued his ferocious attack. When a Marine following him found an enemy rocket propelled grenade launcher, First Lieutenant Chontosh used it to destroy yet another group of enemy soldiers. When his audacious attack ended, he had cleared over 200 meters of the enemy trench, killing more than 20 enemy soldiers and wounding several others. By his outstanding display of decisive leadership, unlimited courage in the face of heavy enemy fire, and utmost devotion to duty, First Lieutenant Chontosh reflected great credit upon himself and upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and the United States Naval Service.

Courtesy of


Something Different #5 — 5 Comments

  1. I keep finding myself just saying, “WOW”!

    Soldiers came to my school to visit and provide their side of the story one day after school. They didn’t sugar coat things, either.

    Two things stood out to me:

    1. The story of a Marine that had served in Afghanistan and his description of an ambush in which the person next to him, his best friend, was killed (by someone who had made regular deliveries of water to his base).

    2. Whenever the enemy actually tries to engage us on a military style level of battle, they lose hard and gruesomely, as they deserve.

  2. RT- during Nam, the barber at Cahm Rahn was the VC province chief at night!!! He would use what he learned during the day to attack folks and/or set up rocket or mortar barrages… Took a while to catch him

    Yep Admiral, he got after ’em…

  3. The average person that goes through life blindly without any contact with the military by any means has no clue what our guys and gals experience.

    My contact is limited and I have learned so much. Think about those that just choose to ignore and protest.