Now lemme get this straight…

It’s okay that Brittney Spears little sister is pregnant at age 15, not married, etc. but it is “horribile” that Palin’s 17 year old daughter is pregnant and will have the child and marry the father…

AND it was “totally inappropriate” for Sarah Palin to bring a Downs Syndrome baby into the world when they knew about it ahead of time…

But the LWL’s applaud Special Olympics and do fund raisers for disadvantaged children…

Sounds more like good old fashioned morals that most of us grew up with just don’t fit with the LWL or the MSM today. All I gotta say is I’m glad I was brought up in what they call “fly over” country…

Oh yeah, wasn’t Obama born to an underage mother, fathered by a man who was married to someone else at the time???

Waiting for the next “pronouncement”…


Now lemme get this straight… — 6 Comments

  1. Sigh… All I can say is the LWL better look out, because when they point the finger at Palin and the rest of us in “flyover” country, they are just pissing the rest of us off…

  2. The hypocrisy of the MSM, the Liberal Left and the Democratic Party in general is rampant. Someone should tell them their slip is showing, however they would just think it’s just another demographic to pander to.

  3. Mark- Agreed on the ‘Fruedian’ slip 🙂

    Fuzzy- True, but will they listen… noooo 🙂