I’m beginning to think YouTube is starting to censor posts/links to videos. I tried to post one last night about Chuckie Shumer and his little chatters rant yesterday, and I’ll admit is was pretty snarky, since I started off by calling him a sanctimonious prick, but hey, it’s TRUE…
Anyhoo, bottom line is the post never was sent to my blog by YouTube. My rant did include the figures for the $2 Trillion for the bailouts and porkulus bill; cutting to the end of the story, it will cost each of us over the age of 16 and working in the US about $75,000 over our working lives to actually pay for all the crap in this. By the way, this does NOT include the normal taxes we pay…
Late entry- Our glorious tax break is now… wait for it… A whopping $13/week! Yea! Maybe I can afford TWO cups of coffee in DC…
Edit- Based on what has been posted, I don’t even qualify for the $13 because I make too much. Sigh…
I’m not going to call this a bumper sticker since it’s just a hair LARGE, but it pretty much fits my sentiments…
On other notes- Sen Gregg declined to be the Sect’y of Commerce after getting back doored by R. Emanuel on the porkulus and the Census.
“However, it has become apparent during this process that this will not work for me as I have found that on issues such as the stimulus package and the Census there are irresolvable conflicts for me. Prior to accepting this post, we had discussed these and other potential differences, but unfortunately we did not adequately focus on these concerns. We are functioning from a different set of views on many critical items of policy.”
Full quotes here. And speaking of the Census, taking it away from Commerce (which was supposedly to keep the Census from being political) and putting it under Emanuel means the Democrats are going to politicize the hell out of it and gerrymander the hell out of the Congress to their benefit.
In my opinion (for what that’s worth), I believe we “may” be looking at what is effectively the end of the two party system as far as fair representation in government if they get their way.
And since I’m already pissed, one more non-PC thought for the evening… WHY does the porkulus have billions for illegal immigrants to get food, medicine, and education stuffed in there? How about instead those billions are put in to redo Operation Wetback and send em all back home??? Then there will be lots of open jobs, the unemployment rate will drop considerably, and 12,000,000 more people will actually be added to the tax rolls who will PAY taxes, unlike the illegals, who only drain our system. Also, I’d bet the crime rates would also drop…
Ah hell, since I’m at it anyway, one more-
“I absolutely think it’s time to be bringing accountability to the airwaves,” Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., told liberal radio host Bill Press last week. She said she expects hearings soon on reviving the policy, which was introduced in 1949 and abolished in 1987.
Since Stabenow’s husband, Tom Athans, is and has been an executive at several liberal radio talk groups, I wonder what HE gets out of the deal…
Also, interesting is this apparently will ONLY apply to radio, not broadcast TV, not cable TV or the print media. Hmmm, lemme see… Where is the ONLY place left for Conservatives and Christians to host programs? Uh, oh, RADIO… Doh!
HR45 is alive and well, and if you’re curious as to what the Dems are doing, go check this LINK to see… Those folks are determined to bring us to our knees!
Lemme see, is there anybody I didn’t piss off tonight? Nah, this’ll do.
That is all.
You might try with a post, instead of just a headline…
Just a suggestion 😀
Whups, there it is. Nevermind.
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Kinda grouchy is afternoon, aint’cha?
“Buy more guns, buy more ammo!” and I’m stickin’ to it.
FG- Yeah I know… sigh…
Crucis- Yep, pretty much! Looks like we’re facing a 10% cut in the military, and some REAL issues in the Sand Pit without any more support. Resupply is a BIG issue. You remember when we went through this right after Nam? Under Carter? We recovered pretty well without all this crap (except we had some issues in the military with funding).
Yes. And, we had training issues after Gulf War I when Clinton cut the military budget. I remember when reserve unit had to dry fire because they didn’t have ammo. Same with the Guard.
How about defueling the airplanes Sept 30 at 2300, driving the fuel trucks back to the fuel farm and leaving one hour later, at 0001 Oct 1 to put fuel back in the planes?
And they say they stand for CHANGE.. but where are they making it?
Earl, beats the hell outta me…
After the Pork bill that stimulates nothing but bad tempers you can be as bent out of shape as you want. I always get pissed when I get robbed.
ADM- This is, in my opinion, robbery that will continue the REST of our lives.
nothing I can add to your other stuff, but yes youtube has a long history of killing vids they don’t like or approve of…. but if you’re a jihadist then post what you want… go figure.
Sean- thanks for the confirmation… It’s pretty sad if you think about it, curtail OUR freedom of speech, but allow the terrorists, etc. all the freedom to say what ever they want with NO controls.
Still feeling and sharing your pain and frustrations…where is that damn bottle of Scotch at?!