Well, tomorrow will, I believe, prove to be a black day for the USA…
We had the culmination of bribery, strong arm tactics, outright lies and social engineering at its finest last night in the so called House of Representatives…
BUT they passed a bill over the objections of 64 to 71% of the public they supposedly represent, and I really don’t believe half of them had ANY idea of what they were doing other than responding to a variety of pressures…
The only bi-partisanship I saw was in the opposition to the bill, and had the President not agreed to an executive order to prohibit abortion (Is that even legal???) it would have gone down in defeat.
Anyone who can do basic math knows this is going to cost ALL of us more than we really can afford, not only in taxation, but in increased costs for insurance… I had a doctor’s appointment this morning with my regular doc, and she told me the practice has decided to no longer take Medicare/Medicaid patients, as they are not being reimbursed at a break even cost, and do not see anything but bad news with what happened yesterday.
Where are the doctors going to come from to support 31 million new patients? Beats the hell outta me… that is 8 years of training…
How long will it take to get an appointment? If Mass is any indication, 17-31 days, e.g. you will be dead before the appointment arrives if you have a critical problem…
But wait, you can go to the ER, right??? Um… maybe… but THOSE wait times are already 3-6 hours depending on the hospital and day of the week…
$500M cut in Medicare/Medicaid- so… we add 31 million and CUT reimbursement???
And most ‘benefits’ don’t kick in until 2014, but the taxation starts immediately…
JayG has his take up HERE
TOTWTYTR has a good post up HERE
Pamela Hart has a different view up HERE
Granny has her take up HERE
Gay Cynic has his take HERE
All variations on the theme of basic unhappiness and dissatisfaction with congress…
Yep, they have fundamentally transformed the US alright. Right into the poor house…
AND they have also taken over all Student Loans…
We lost this battle, no question; but I firmly believe this is only the first battle in what promises to be a long war against the progressive/socialist agenda this president and the dems are trying to ram down our throats…
I do believe the States will go through with their suits against the government, and I do believe at least parts of the bill(s) will be declared unconstitutional as this infringes on States Rights in a major way.
I propose our rallying cry be “Remember in November” and VOTE THEM OUT!!!
Yep, where are they going to find doctors & other staff needed?
While they’re increasing the numbers of medical staff needed, states are cutting medical programs at colleges left & right.
MCG & Augusta State were strongly considering dropping the nursing & anesthesia programs from their schools to cut costs. Supposedly, that’s been put on hold, but you know how it is when they latch on to an idea.
Cromwell. I say again. Cromwell.
Snigs- You are correct… now what Coach???
ORPO- Yep… sigh…
Seems that Executive Order that Sutpak said would block funds for abortion didn’t contain a single word about abortion. So Stupak, or perhaps I should says Stupid, was betrayed by Obama just like all the rest of us.
Stupak’s payment was a multi-Million dollar grant to some airports in his district. I don’t think any of those airports have regularly scheduled flights—just general aviation traffic.
All the time Stupid claimed he wasn’t going to vote for Obamacare, he’d already made the deal. You can’t trust a democrat no matter what they say. They’ll always stab you in the back in the end.
“Remember in November.”
Oh, I will. I assure you I will…
Crucis- I missed that!!!
Mini- Me too! Thanks for dropping by.
This is beginning to sound like a mantra but the warthogs in Washington are going to start making nice with “stuff” for us right off the bat. I sent a link to a Fox News story to a bunch of you and it looks like Obama is looking to get re-elected in 2012. If he and his gruesome twosome can keep the momentum going—and it is momentum—2010 may be a squeaker but not enough. I think we are underestimating these guys, and I think they’re laughing their arses off because they know what’s really going on and we only think we know. Remember Soros. Remember the likes of the Emanuels and Slaughter, and all the other godless hoardes who still have control. We not only need to learn more but we need to educate the ignorant taggers along.
End of speech. Deep breath.
Yeah, I’m name-calling. Figure I can do it once to the other side’s 7,000. I’m not as nice as a lot of you really polite bloggers. Sorry. I’ve lived too long. The death panels are on my doorstep.
Already nearly one-third of physicians responding to a NEJM survey indicated that they will want to leave medical practice after health reform is implemented.
Fewer doctors? More patients?
Blistering deficit? Additional taxes?
Amerika, can you say REV-O-LUTION?
Yeah. I bet you can.
Granny- Agreed… You haven’t heard ME get on a rant yet…
BZ- Yep, it’s coming…
Granny, your “name-calling” is most polite compared to what some of us, myself included, have said.
Remember, Obama isn’t running in November. The House is and a handful in the Senate. It’s highly unlikely that we can take control of the Senate. There aren’t enough dems up for re-election. We have to win every open Senate seat. It’s possible but unlikely. More likely a 50-50 split.
The House on the other hand is wide open. I’m feeling fairly confident we take back the house. Remember, funding bills originate in the House. Obama won’t be able to enforce his dictates if there is no bureaucracy to do so.
Where are the doctors going to come from? Well, in this bill they are “bribing” new doctors! [They got that bribing down to an art now!] In this bill they will be reimbursing people who go to medical school. Guess they’ll need to “bribe” people to go into the medical profession because who will want to spend all those years going to college/med school when it won’t pay off in the end? Sure a lot of people do it because they are “compassionate”, but let’s face it, there’s money to be made—well there USED to be until the govt. got their grubby hands on it!