“1 down, 534 to go.”

That was what blogger TJIC posted immediately after Gabrielle Giffords’ shooting. If you’ve ever read Dispatches From TJICistan, you know he’s an outspoken, perhaps even extreme advocate of smaller government. Now, his blog has been taken down and his guns – all legally owned – seized in Massachusetts.

ARLINGTON (CBS) – A blog threatening members of Congress in the wake of the Tucson, Arizona shooting has prompted Arlington police to temporarily suspend the firearms license of an Arlington man.

It was the headline “1 down and 534 to go” that caught the attention. “One” refers to Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot in the head in the rampage, while 534 refers to the other members of the U.S. House and Senate.

Police are investigating the “suitability” of 39-year-old Travis Corcoran to have a firearms license.

What he said was crass and ill-considered, and in exceedingly poor taste. I don’t agree with it; but I spent 22 years defending AMERICAN’S right to freedom as elucidated in the Bill of Rights…

This was a political statement, not politically correct, maybe not morally correct, but a POLITICAL statement… Speech of ALL types is what the First Amendment was written to protect.

I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
– Voltaire

This man has committed no crime, and now his Second Amendment rights are being infringed without due process of law because he dared to exercise his First Amendment rights.

This is, to my mind, a ‘classic’ case of over-reaction; no charges were (to my knowledge) ever filed, but yet the Arlington PD saw fit to revoke his license to own guns in Mass…

Is THIS the future we face? We know the current administration and selected individuals within it want to take away ALL our guns, or put us in a position to get us convicted as felons (The McCarthy bill over magazines), then take away our guns under the “political” cover of ‘safety’ for the congresscritters ( the King bill) and others…

I have a better idea, make all of them wear day-glow Orange with a range reflector hat and give all of us range finders so we can make SURE we are 1000 feet away…

And limit their routes to/from any event, office, etc. so as not to inconvenience the public.

Actually, what I think is going to happen is we will see less and less interactions between the public that elected the congresscritters and the public themselves under the ‘guise’ of security (and then they can’t be asked those pesky little questions they don’t want to answer)…

YMMV, IANAL, and I didn’t stay in a Holiday Inn last night… so there…

H/T- AD, Borepatch, Newbius and many others…


I am TJIC — 7 Comments

  1. WSF- Not a clue… I don’t know and haven’t seen any other reports to find out whether this came from the top down or not…

    Stopsign- Hopefully, all this will be resolved shortly. Otherwise, it’s chilling, to put it mildly…

  2. It is CHALLENGING speech that needs protection; everyday speech is just that and is banal.

    I don’t care for the Left but I support their rights to their speech. In the venue of popularity or reason Leftists words will out, or Conservative words.

    And they are just that: WORDS.

    UK and Canada, here we come.

    Think of it: in THAT vein, then Vince Flynn’s book “TERM LIMITS” should be comPLETELY banned and he should likewise be investigated and arrested.

    Therefore: why isn’t HE?

    What about Cloward & Piven? Saul Alinsky? Chomsky? Ward Churchill? Olbermann? William Ayers?


  3. WSF- Not a clue… I don’t know and haven’t seen any other reports to find out whether this came from the top down or not… 2945abc45 0223