Well, the follow up from Naples was we went down to the waterfront for dinner last night…
Only six (three each way) OMGWAGFD times… I think I’ve STILL got some seat cushion sucked up my a**…
Anyhoo… We survived the trip down there, met up with a co-worker who is based out of Naples and had a GOOOOOOOOD meal on the waterfront.
Caprese, pasta Bolognese, prawns, and TIRAMISU 🙂 All except the Tiramisu was ‘washed down’ with a local Chianti which, for those wine snobs out there, actually complimented the meal rather than the typical clean the palate French wine. Finished the Tiramisu with a couple of expressos, and a (I swear I only had ONE) shot of Limonchello…
Back to the hotel, got hooked on what was happening (Nothing) in Egypt, so not a lot of sleep…
Up at 0400, off to the airport, and up North we came…
A couple of pics to see if anybody recognizes them…
First- A semi- famous location…
Second a snippet of a painting by a semi-famous American to tweak your interest…
Feel free to guess, and if anybody gets THIS one, well you’re truly a geek 🙂 Just sayin…
My butt is draggin, so nap time before dinner (so much for my diet, yet again)!
Great liberty port.
How big was the shot?Texas size?
When in Rome… Eat your weight in Italian food!
Yeah, I know, Naples isn’t Rome, but it is way closer than OKC.
LL- the Mafia is STILL in control… sigh…
Fuzzy- it was small, it’s just that limoncello is 190 proof “flavored” with a bit of lemon…
Jenn- I’m amazed they don’t ALL weigh 400 lbs over here…
I got “hooked” on a “good chianti” on a small hill called Cuma Mountain out near Licola Mare where I lived. Dipped it right out of the big assed barrels. Could hardly drive that 650 Bonneville back home!
Ev- Good point!
When in Rome… Eat your weight in Italian food!
Yeah, I know, Naples isn’t Rome, but it is way closer than OKC. 2945abc45 0223