Had to go to dinner with the boss and a bunch of other PHDs, luckily there were two other retired Navy types, so we weren’t too outnumbered…
After 8 years, I found out my boss actually WAS a Rocket Scientist… That was his first job, building and shooting off rockets for Los Alamos! No wonder he didn’t like my rocket surgery jokes… sigh…
He said, “Mine only blew up if I DESIGNED them to blow up.” Er… um… “designed” them to blow up???
And I thought dinner conversations at blogmeets were bad, but tonight was a new ‘high’ or ‘low’ depending…
Started with WWII discussion based on a new book out about Guadalcanal, segued into a discussion on Guam, the last Japanese war survivor, Korea, MacArthur, Physics, missiles, rocket science, START treaty, back to physics, to the human brain, to artificial intelligence, to autonomy, back to physics, to existentialism, to movies, to the best existential movie (Groundhog Day), to a dissection of the movie from an existential point of view, to Battlestar Gallactica, to guns, to fishing, to hog hunting…
And those are just the ones I remember… sigh…
One more day of meetings, and the red eye back tomorrow night!
So I’ll be commenting more this weekend when I actually have time to sit and read all your blogs. Y’all have a safe weekend!!!
At least the conversations sounded interesting because of the variety of subjects.
That’s why I love groups with a true mix of personalities and backgrounds. You never know where the conversation is going to go once a common subject is found.
Have a safe trip!
Sounds like you can hold your own.
Sounds like good stuff!
There’s your problem right there, it’s rocket engineering not science
bad? bad conversation? … sounds like a full and fun range of topics!
ADM- Interesting is one way to put it… 🙂
DB- Tryin…
WSF- They lost me with the higher (like Baysian) discussions…
Guffaw- IT was
Capt- Well, that WAS a point of discussion…LOL
Julie- Like I said, ‘interesting’…LOL
The real Battlestar Galactica, with Lorne Greene and Dirk Benedict, or the lame remake with all of the angry man-hating women?
Murph- Both… and arguers for both sides, but #6 DID win for best looking female 🙂