
Hickok 45 gives an excellent commentary on accuracy here, and puts it in plain and simple terms.  The other thing I’ve enjoyed about watching his videos, is that there are no flame wars, put downs, or anything else. 

I had the pleasure of meeting both he and his son at the Lucky Gunner Blog Shoot, and I can tell you they are just plain old good people (and BIG too).  They give Matt and Johnny a run for their money in the size department, but I believe Matt still has them on hand size.  And what I wouldn’t give for THIS range in my backyard… sigh…

Go watch, enjoy and be educated.  It may save you some $$ in the long run…


Accuracy… — 13 Comments

  1. Bulls Eye!

    My accuracy seems to vary from match to match. I can’t blame the pistol.


  2. Hickok45 is awesome… a lot of experience based wisdom and A LOT of trigger time.

  3. I’ve been saying this for years and it’s great to hear someone put it into real terms that most people can understand. Some guns fit your hand better and you shoot better, but almost all modern made guns are deadly accurate out of the box. It’s YOU that is shooting the gun.
    I suck shooting all of them equally! LOL!

  4. When I fired my first centerfire rifle at a real target, the man that took me to the range in his back yard pulled a 10mm Colt Delta Elete from a holster, took offhand aim at a 110 yard steel target of a boar, fired one round and hit it.

    He re-holstered, looked at me and said “Any decent gun is more accurate than the person shooting it.”

    That has stuck with me. Both he and Hickock 45 are right.

  5. Heh. Reminds me of what a lot of old pilots around Alaska say – all planes can fly better than their pilots. ‘S truth, too – I cannot shoot as accurately as my handguns, nor can I fly as well as my plane.

    In the words of Paul Claus, “Practice, practice, practice. I learn something new every time. Just keep practicing, and keep learning.”

  6. Sounds like an excellent speech highlighting the difference between accuracy and precision. The gun is accurate, the monkey holding unto it is only so precise. The same argument holds true for most everything. The words used are accurate, the speaker is only so precise.

  7. Great video. I’ve had that grip myself a few times, now I’ve got a place to send people when I get the ‘that guns not as accurate as this one’ statement.

    You’re not kidding about his size! I don’t usually have to look up at someone, and he had my craning my neck way back.

  8. Gerry- True! The ONLY one we can blame is ourselves!

    Andy- He is, and his son is good too!

    Danny- BTDT 🙂

    That Guy- Yep, old man, one gun 🙂

    Wing- The analogy works in a NUMBER of evolutions! 🙂

    SG- another good analogy!

    Robert- LOL he was a big one wasn’t he 🙂

  9. Jesus Christ! Look at the HANDS on that guy! He’s got veritable catcher’s mitts for hands! No wonder that guy can hold like nobody’s business! Sheesh!


  10. If you shoot enough guns, you know that almost all of them are more accurate than you are. I love his range.

  11. BX- You should see Matt, he can palm a .38 and it disappears!!!

    45er- Meeee tooo… sigh…

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