As we come to Christmas Day, I want to wish each and every one a Merry Christmas and a safe and happy holiday season with your loved ones.
Sometime tomorrow, please take a minute and give thanks for those who are defending us far from home, be it sitting on the 38th Parallel in Korea, Helmand province in Afghanistan, or at sea around the world or standing watch in any of the innumerable locations where our military serves. They won’t have the comfort of family, and maybe not much of a Christmas Dinner (but the mess halls WILL try).
Remember too those LEOs, Firefighters, EMTs and those manning the hospitals who will get home a day late, but may just save your life while they are at work.
Crucis has a post up HERE about family traditions, and the impact on his life. For us, I think Christmas Eve is going to turn into a tradition of going to the range 🙂
NFO, It’s been an honor and a pleasure sharing blog posts and comments with you this year. You are a great guy!
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Thanks, to you as well!
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Stay safe!
Merry Christmas NFO!
Merry Christmas, Old NFO! Thanks for your posts. I enjoy them.
Thanks for the link, NFO. We had our Christmas this morning with our Daughter, SIL, his folks and the g’kids. My daughter is working this afternoon and tomorrow.
Mrs. Crucis and I may adopt your Christmas tradition after we have our traditional Christmas T-Bones.
Thanks for your service, Jim, and Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, my friend.
Merry Christmas, Old NFO!
May I have another year of reading your posts.
Oh wait, I should have wished something for you.
May you have another year of writing your posts.
Pamela- Thank you and same to you and yours!
Robert- Thanks1
Guffaw- Tryin… 🙂
Kurt- Thanks!
Linda- Thanks!
Crucis- What EVER works, right? 🙂
drjim- Thanks!
Rev- Same to you and yours Sir!
Ed- Thanks! I’ll keep writing this drivel, thanks for reading it!
Please stay safe and enjoy the moment.
Merry Christmas NFO, it’s been a privilege to shoot with you this year.
I give thanks always for the great people in our military, and I pray God will bless you in the coming year. I wish you could take me flying. I’d like to see what my dad saw when he was an Air Force pilot.
Merry Christmas!
WSF- Will do!
Axe- And to you Sir!
Lola- Thanks!
North- Same to you Sir!
Pissed- And to you!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too, Sir!
Merry Christmas NFO
Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Merry Christmas, Old NFO.
Josh- And to you and yours Sir!
Matt- Thanks hope yours is the same!
Gerry- Back at ya!
BP- And to you and yours Sir!
Merry Christmas to you, my friend.
It was a pleasure to meet you this year finally and I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas!
45er- And to you and yours Sir!
Keads- Same here, and best wishes for the holidays!
45er- And to you and yours Sir!
Keads- Same here, and best wishes for the holidays!
Merry Christmas NFO. It was great to meet you this year.
Thank you. My sailors and soldier were so thankful and pleased.
Merry Christmas, I hope it was a good one for you, NFO!