Thank You, and Happy New Year…

If you are one of my loyal readers, one who stumbled on to me, or came over from one of my friends, just let me say THANK YOU!

I truly appreciate your stopping by and reading my scribbles. I know I’m not a big timer, excellent writer, nor can I keep on a single track (gee, why does scatterbrain come to min…er…where was I)…

I never started this as anything other that a stress reliever and maybe  meet a few new folks. I never realized how many new friends this would bring, nor the breadth and depth of knowledge people are willing to share freely.  

I can’t promise I’ll write more, or better, or anything else, but I’ll try…

Anyhoo, I hope 2012 will find us all in a better place than we left in 2011 (especially after November), but that’s a different rant…

Stay safe tonight, and have a Happy New Year in your location of choice, with your beverage of choice, and partner of choice.  

And if you’re military, thanks for taking the duty; you know what I mean.

Happy 2012 Everyone!!!


Thank You, and Happy New Year… — 34 Comments

  1. and a Happy New Year to you! I’m with you on the blog thing. I started one to blow off some steam and let out the random bits. Never expected to meet so many new friends and make such great connections.

    WV:reercher–so that’s what they call it

  2. Best wishes to you for a better – much, much better – 2012.

    (And BTW – I’ve got the same Happy New Rear image scheduled to post at midnight. Great minds think alike.)

  3. Rev- Thanks!

    Guffaw- YEAR… year… 🙂

    Snigs- thx

    Danny- Rgr

    WSF- Agreed!

    MSGT/Andy- Thanks

    Jenn- Strange isn’t it?

    Evyl- That was yours? Sorry! It was open source according to yahoo! 🙂

    Keads- Concur!

    YOF- Thanks!

    FM- Amen!

    Tim- no comment 🙂

    Pax- Thanks!

  4. Happy New Year to the Old NFO and all the others that post here.

    Here’s to a 2012 that’s not so “interesting”.

  5. Hi Jim, Hope you have a Happy New year or rear whichever! Only problem is, we are going to have to wait till Nov. to find out!