Are we there YET???

Another day, another airplane… sigh…

Are we there yet??? Nope, Kuwait and a wait…

And somebody REALLY screwed up the reservations, cause we are in a 5 star hotel!!!  Damn!

And this isn’t even one of the high dollar rooms. They apparently start at $2000/night and go up from there!

Sure beats the hell outta where I was the last three weeks…


Are we there YET??? — 20 Comments

  1. Every once in awhile, someone makes a mistake in your favor. I know you already know how to enjoy it, so … have a good time.

  2. Rev/Suz- Tryin 🙂

    WSF- Thanks!

    drjim- Will do

    Eia- I wish!!!

    MC- That too! 🙂

    45er- Yep

    Andy- Concur!

    DB- That it is!

    ED- Dunno, but I’m not going to complain on this one!

  3. Perhaps someone recognized your value?

    Naw…. I’d go with that whole ‘Mistake’ thing. Far more likely.

  4. Cateach- You’re right…LOL

    Agirl- 🙂

    BZ- Yep, those are the ‘suites’, and the ‘apartments’ are $10k/night Needless to say we’re NOT in any of those rooms…

    PH- Yep! 🙂

    LL- True…

    Fuzzy- ALWAYS!

    ADM- It beats the hell outta the Holiday Inn!

    MSGT- You and I BOTH know that ain’t true…LOL