More range time…

Took Joey to the range today, and let her try a few of my pistols…

I’ll let her give her impressions, but the list was-

.22/45 (on steel and paper) She ‘likes’ steel for the instant feedback 🙂
Kahr P9
.22/45 again…  I’ll let her explain that one too!
Python- .38 wadcutter, .38 Gold Dot, .357 Federal Defense; working up the recoil chain…
Diamondback- .38 wadcutter
Agent- .38 wadcutter
Colt. 45 230gr match rounds

Lots of questions, some answers… Safety, stance, grip, manipulation, sight picture, recoil (felt and real), trigger control, ‘size’ of the weapons (her hands are not that large);   and last but not least, perceptions.

Overall, she done good!  Not scared of the pistols, recoil agnostic, decent sight picture maintenance, and safe on the range.  Listened, asked smart questions, didn’t get frustrated, and went away with a ‘better’ idea of what her goals are for her carry piece.  

I “should” have made her help clean… dammit… 🙂

And all shooting was at 10 yards on paper, 15 yards on steel! I did run the steels twice, once with the .22 and once with the .45; so I’m pretty happy with that!

Off to pack, light posting and commenting for the next few days.


More range time… — 10 Comments

  1. YOU did a good job too….just this time it was as a teacher!!!

    I knew I was doing OK since you kept giving me different guns to try, I was allowed to have more than one bullet at a time, and you didn’t declare we were “done” in a short period of time.

    I have a well-defined plan of what to work on until our next time shooting (whether here or there). AND I now have more understanding of not just what, but WHY — and that will help me reinforce good habits for Son after his training class on Tuesday, and also watch so he doesn’t learn bad habits.

    I had a great time and learned a LOT — and next time I will learn to clean the guns, this time I learned how to help clean up the range 🙂

    Thanks for sharing both time and your experience — have a great trip, be safe!